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The day is near, the day I get to meet my little princess, the day I get to feel the joy of motherhood. The day I get to see My little girl and call her Mine. Alhamdulillah ya rabb.

I am at home getting ready to go to the hospital later inshallah. It's currently 11am, we'll be leaving for the hospital just before Maghreb inshallah. My EDD is next week Inshallah but due to some medical issues, the doctor decided we do a cesarean.

"Have you packed all the babies clothes and all the things you may need?" Mama asked, through the phone.

"Yes, mama. Everything is packed."

"Pack light clothing that moves freely and is easy to get on." She said.


I have packed my maternity bag for the hospital stay with the help of ya Ruqaiya and ya Fareeda. I have toothbrush, toothpaste, maternity pads for the lochia(period), pajamas, towels, shower shoes, bathrobe. Underwear with a high waisted band that'll sit above the incision, maternity bras, breastfeeding pillow, slippers, extra long charging cables(Yasmeena's idea).

Ya Ruqaiya arranged all the babies things, outfits, baby cosmetics kit, pampers, a car seat, shawls and the other things.

Iman came in with a bowl of pounded yam and edikaing-ikong soup. "Is this today's lunch?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yup"

I called the kitchen through the intercom to be me the food. I'm gonna eat this this pounded yam with passion! Sara came in with my food, set it on the side table and left. Damn, Sara can cook. This pounded yam is so good.

The time is here, we are on our way to the hospital. Hameed is driving, while I'm in the passenger seat and Imani at the back.

The ride to the hospital was quite and it was a long one. Hameed was quite while Imani and i exchange a few words here and there.

We finally arrived at the hospital, which is Nisa premier in jabi. After all the necessary things at the reception, we were taken to my room or rather my suite. It doesn't look like a hospital room at all, it looks like a hotel room.

What the hospital room looks like

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What the hospital room looks like

I sat on the bed while Hameed and Iman went to the car to bring in our things. I rested my head on the headrest and straighten my legs.

After a few minutes, they came back carrying the suite cases and the other things. Iman sat on the other side of the bed while Hameed sits in the couch beside the bed, on my side.

A nurse came in and gave Hameed the consent forms that need to be signed for anesthesia. "The anesthesiologist is coming in a few minutes to the surgery to increase the dosage." The nurse said with a smile.

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