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November 7th

Beacon Hills Cemetery 

It was rainy on the day of her mother's funeral. Dark clouds flooded Beacon Hills and the sun was nowhere to be found. No light seemed to crack through the dreary sky. Karson's stockings were making her skinny pale legs itch uncontrollably as her brother, Camden and her, walked through the muddy trail of the cemetery. The umbrella that Camden was holding kept the rain droplets from plummeting Karson's hair and attire and she was grasping tightly to her older brother''s hand. The black casket was propped up above the ground and a older gentlemen was standing in front holding a bible and rosemary. Her father was sitting down next to the casket with her younger brother, Issac. Karson looked down and noticed one of her small shoes had come untied. She remembered with her mother used to show her how to tie them when she finally able to do it on her own. Bunny ear, bunny ears, jumped into the hole, popped out the other side, beautiful and bold. 

Karson sat down next to Issac who was visibly crying while holding onto their father's arm tightly. Camden gripped Karson's hand and stared at the casket that held their mother. She didn't understand, but she hasn't shed a tear since her mother's untimely death. Karson wasn't present when she passed, but Issac was. They were driving home from the grocery store. A tractor-trailer ran a red-light, smashing into the drivers side where her mother was. Issac was still awake after the collision with bruised bones and a broken leg. Their mother died on impact. Karson was devastated more by the fact that she never got to say goodbye or hug her mother one last time. 

Rows of people dressed in black were sitting with heads hanging low, some grasping tissues and some holding back cries. Karson had no idea who most of the people were. She didn't have an extended family. To her they were just unrecognizable strangers and if she was being honest, she didn't care who they were and how they knew her mother. The service finished quicker than Karson expected and she watched as her brothers placed flowers on their mother's casket. Purple peonies, her mother's favorite. Karson noticed how her father didn't even move from his spot in his chair. His face was emotionless and blank. 

She joined her brother's at the casket to place her flower there and before turning away she noticed a family approaching her father. The woman was tall with dark hair and olive skin. A man followed after her with piercing blue eyes and tousled hair. She introduced herself as Talia and he presented himself as Peter. The two offered their condolences to my father and shook his hand. Karson noticed that there was a boy behind the woman about 17 years old, staring at the casket with her mother in it. The boy felt Karson's eyes on him and glanced at her before turning away quickly. Before he turned away from her, she noticed a blue glisten in his eyes. Maybe from a reflection but she was mesmerized at the sight of it. Before she could investigate further, the group exited and the Lahey's spent no more time at the cemetery. 

KNOW THY ENEMY (DEREK HALE FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now