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KARSON chucked a clean towel at her brother's head to clean his wounds

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KARSON chucked a clean towel at her brother's head to clean his wounds. Boyd and she took Erica and Issac back to the railway depot while Derek chased after Jackson. It didn't surprise her that he was the Kanima, considering Derek's bite was a bust for him. Scott and Stiles went in search of Derek and Jackson after they both ran away, while Allison soothed Lydia's panic about what happened. Erica recovered from being paralyzed, stretching her body once it wore off. Allison apparently tricked her into paralyzing herself at Scott's house when she tried to kill Lydia. Clever girl.

Boyd was helping the blonde girl to her feet, rubbing her shoulder in comfort. Issac was wiping away some blood from his fight with Scott. He could feel his sister's glare from behind him. "I can feel you shooting daggers in the back of my head."

"It isn't like you don't deserve it." Karson mutters, leaning against a pillar in the broken-down train station.

"You have every right to say 'I told you so.' We should've known it was Jackson despite the venom not working on him." Issac threw the bloodied towel to the ground in front of him in frustration.

"Derek will take care of it." Erica says. "Jackson won't be able to get himself out of this."

"It doesn't seem like he knows what he's doing." Karson suggests, rubbing her chin in thought.

"That could explain the videotaping. He did say nothing happened during the previous full moon. Maybe, he doesn't remember his transformation and his actions when he's the Kanima." Issac says.

"Wait..so does he have proof of himself turning into the Kanima on video??" Karson asks, jaw-dropping in possible revelation.

"I don't think so. Jackson never mentioned it to us when Derek tested him." Issac replied.

"I thought the bite either turned you...or killed you. Not transform you into a killer reptilian lizard." Karson says, pressing her fingers to her temples.

"Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are. At least, that's what Derek said. I mean we all know Jackson isn't getting an award for being the best human. Dude's an asshole." Issac says.

"He's still worth helping. Especially if he doesn't know what he's doing." Karson chimes, crossing her arms across her chest in protest. Jackson might be a royal pain in the ass but that doesn't mean they shouldn't help him figure this out.

"I think we should leave it Derek, Karson." Boyd mutters. "He knows what's best."

Sure he does, Karson whispers to herself. This undying loyalty that the three wolves have for Derek is really starting to piss her off. It's like they can't even think for themselves. Derek's way or the highway type bullshit. Last time Karson checked Derek wasn't God; he doesn't know everything. Erica and Boyd entered the train presumably to rest after the past couple of hours. Karson observed her brother's movements as he took his leather jacket off with a heavy sigh.

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