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THE next day, Karson went to school like nothing ever happened. She practically forced herself to go, keeping some sort of normalcy. Half of the day was already over but she didn't want to leave. She wasn't exactly comfortable sharing a residence with Derek Hale. He can be....a hard ass. It wasn't like she had any other option, though. She needed to protect her brother at all costs. The locker room smelled of deodorant and she shuffled through her locker for gym clothes. As she changed, she noticed Allison Argent across from her. The girl seemed stressed as she ruffled through her school bag. Karson didn't realize she was staring until the young Argent looked at her, causing Karson to quickly turn her attention to getting ready for gym class.

The gym was filled with many teenagers, all wearing identical clothing. A large rock wall was placed in the center of the gym, pairs of two rotating through it like clockwork. She noticed Coach Bobby Finstock huddled amongst a group of her classmates, rambling on about rock wall safety and guidelines. As more teenagers began piling into the gym, she saw Scott lingering behind with Allison. Karson wanted to talk to him, she had so many questions about her brother and about Derek. Her world has changed so quickly and as she looks around the gym at everyone, Karson doesn't seem anything the same as she did before her brother was bitten. She saw a world where anything is possible, especially that the supernatural wasn't just confined to the tales in novels.

Karson felt a tap on her shoulder and it made her jump. She whipped her head around to find Stiles Stilinski smiling at her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to check on you and see how you are doing."

His brown doe eyes stared back at her with genuine concern and she couldn't but smile back at him. "I'm doing alright..considering."

She watched as the boy stepped closer to her. She could feel his breath on her neck and realized the freckles on his face were prominent today. She flicked her eyes to his awkward body language and grinned at him.

"Look, Karson, the reason I came to talk to you is that I wanted you to know that you aren't alone in this. When Scott first got turned, we were both in the position you are in now. We didn't know what to do or how to handle it. We didn't know who to trust. But, you can trust me. You can trust Scott. We only want to protect Beacon Hills and the people in it." Stiles says, putting his hands into the pockets of his pants.

"Did you trust Derek when Scott was turned?" Karson asks, narrowing her eyes at him.

"No. Not at first, at least. Derek can be...complicated. We grew to ally ourselves with him. Trust isn't exactly what we had in him. Now that he is alpha, he is even more unpredictable."

"What do you mean?" Karson glances up at the rock wall, barely listening to Coach's instructions. She needed all the information she could get from Stiles.

"He wants power. And creating a pack gives him that. If I'm being honest, I think he secretly is lonely and bored. Turning teenagers gives him that dominant feeling that he wants. Since being alpha, he hasn't thought about his actions or the consequences of them. Whatever Derek Hale does, he does for his own benefit and nobody else's." She wasn't sure what it was about Stiles, but her gut believed every word that he said. "I want you to be careful with who you put your trust."

KNOW THY ENEMY (DEREK HALE FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now