9 part I

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KARSON stares down at her phone, reading a text from her brother saying that he is okay and watching after Erica and Boyd. He successfully gained control with help from Derek but Erica and Boyd weren't so lucky. After the shitty night that she had, this news lightened Karson's heart a little. After letting Issac know the current events that he missed out on, Karson throws her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. 

The Lahey girl's eyes roamed around Stiles' bedroom. Clothes were thrown in a pile on the floor near his neatly made bed. Posters lined the walls with different bands and video games. Papers were scattered across Stiles' desk and bed. A huge caulk board is present on one of his four walls. Documentation of the murders as well as lore on the Kanima. Stiles was flipping quickly through an old yearbook from the previous year. Scott was intently watching him with his hands on his hips while Karson was sitting on the available space on the bed. 

"You really think you're dad is gonna believe any of this?" Karson asks, placing her hands palm-side down on the bed to support her weight. 

"Probably not...but we gotta do something." Stiles replies, sighing loudly as he finally reaches the desired page in the yearbook, shouting a quick, "Aahaa!" 

A figure appeared in the doorway of Stiles' room. The sheriff leans his hand against the wall and furrows his eyebrows together at Stiles. "What's going on?" 

"Dad! We figured out who is behind the murders." Stiles grabs the opened yearbook and ushers his father to his side. Stiles points at Matt's picture which causes even more confusion on the Sheriff's face. 

"So, this kid's the real killer?" The sheriff asks, sighing loudly. 


"No." Sheriff remarks, causing an uproar from his son. 

"Yes!" Stiles shrieks, moving to sit down at his desk chair, and plopping the yearbook down on the surface of the desk. Scott has his arms folded, leaning over his best friend while the Sheriff presses his fist down into Stiles' desk to support his body weight. 


"Dad, come on! Everybody knows that the police look for ways to connect victims in a murder, okay? So, all he had to do is, like, look through their transcripts and figure out which class they all had in common." Stiles argues, shooting up out of his seat. 

"Yeah, except for the fact that the rave promoter, Kara, wasn't in Harris' class." Sheriff explains.

"All right. Okay, you're right. Sorry. Then, I guess they dropped the charges against him?" Stiles says, sarcasm dripping in his tone. 

"No, you know what? They're not dropping the charges. But, that doesn't prove anything." Sheriff replies crossing his arms over his chest before glancing over at Scott, which causes irritation in Stiles. "Scott, you believe this?" 

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