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SWEAT poured down Karson's face as she worked to dodge one of Derek's punches. He was taking it way easy on her and she was conflicted about whether to be grateful or mad. She knew she didn't have the upper hand, she's never even thrown a punch before but Karson wanted him to not treat her like she was fragile. Derek thought it was a good idea to start training Karson in hand-to-hand combat ever since Issac was turned. Even though he promised to protect her, Derek knew there would eventually come a time when he wouldn't be there and Karson would have to defend herself.

"You're too flat-footed. Stand on the balls of your feet. You'll have a better center of gravity that way. It will be harder for your opponent to knock you off guard." Derek voiced, mimicking the motion to make sure she understands. Karson copies him, before preparing for the next jab that would come her way. Derek motions for her to make the first move, which she does. With as much force as she has, she throws a punch toward Derek's face but he quickly grabs the fist with his own hand.

"Not quick enough."

"Well, I am at a disadvantage, considering I'm a 120-pound girl who doesn't grow fangs." Karson says, ripping her fist from Derek's grasp.

"Correct. But that just means that you need to be even more prepared. You're strong, but not fast enough with your movements. All it takes is a second and you're dead." Derek says, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Thanks for stating the obvious. Are you gonna help me or are you just gonna stand there and insult me more?" Karson asks. A flicker of amusement flashes through Derek's eyes but he nods his head at the girl.

When she was little, she was very involved in gymnastics. This helped her build some muscle but considering she hasn't done it in years, it's safe to say she's lost a step. However, Karson can't keep relying on Derek for protection. If this was her life from now on, she figured that she better step up and become prepared for whatever came her way.

Derek grabs her hands in his own, pulling her closer to him. Karson felt warmth radiate from his fingertips to hers, making her heart beat quicker. "The key to winning a fight is not being quicker, but being smarter. In any hand-to-hand combat, if you get stuck there is always a loophole."

Derek's hands wrap around her waist tightly. "In this situation, the best escape would be to use your knees. The goal is to aim for the abdomen, the groin, or the chest area if possible. Grip my shoulders."

Karson follows his instructions, digging her fingers into his shoulders. "Now, drive your dominant knee up into one of those three body regions, hard." And so she does.

Karson watches as Derek fumbles back, releasing his grip on her waist and clutching his abdomen. He takes a few breaths in to control his breathing. Karson's eyes widen at how powerfully she hit him and a wave of pride crossed over her.

KNOW THY ENEMY (DEREK HALE FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now