Chapter 1

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(a/n): Bakugo is in his second year of UA, and I don't fully know when he got kidnapped by villains, but if it was before or during his second year, then it never happened. Also, Bakugo is still facing the same problems as the end of the prologue.

Bakugo had gone one week without sleep, so when he got to his dorm right after he finished his jobs for the night, he immediately fell asleep.

(a/n): Bakugo's job is as a waiter in a diner after school from 3:30-8:30, and at 9:00-11:00, he works as a janitor in an old store nearby his teachers don't know about his jobs.

Bakugo had nightmares that night that he would typically wake up from, but because his body and mind were exhausted, he continued sleeping, unable to wakeup. When he finally woke up, he realized he had snoozed his alarm three times, making him have ten minutes to get ready. Bakugo was still scared and afraid from his nightmares, so even though he was panicking about being late, he continued to get ready slowly. Bakugo kept trying to forget his nightmare while getting prepared, but he knew it was no use. Bakugo looked at his phone after showering and getting the uniform one. He saw he only had two minutes left. Bakugo quickly used his quirk on his hair and ran out of the dorm building, just making it in time for class. When Bakugo was about to open the door, he remembered he forgot to, but with his makeup on, Bakugo ran to the bathroom and covered the bags under his eyes. Bakugo looked in the mirror and saw that his persona was not on; when he put the scowl on his face, you could still see the fear in his eyes. Bakugo kept trying, but when the late bell rang, he gave up and ran to class. Bakugo kept his head done and tried not to let anyone see his face. When he sat in his seat, he saw his homeroom teacher was still asleep, and he, along with a few other students, realized they were allowed to do whatever they wanted. The Bakusquad ran to Bakugo's desk while everyone else got into their groups around the room. Bakugo did not realize the Bakusquad was near his desk; instead, he thought of his nightmare last night.

Kirishima's Pov:

When Kirishima got to his seat, he noticed Bakugo was not in his chair. Kirishima was confused because he knew his friends were always prompt and that he did not socialize, meaning that something was wrong if he was not in his seat.

"hey Denki, did you see bakugo this morning? He is never late," Kirishima asked.

"Nah, he most likely missed his alarm. It happens to all of us," Denki said

"Yeah, I guess your right," Kirishima said, walking to his desk.

"who is right," Mina asked, walking up.

"Denki, I asked why bakugo was late," Kirishima told her.

"Wow, Denki, you were right about something that was a first," Mina said, laughing.

"hey, I am not always wrong," Denki whined.

Kirishima was about to tease Denki some more when Bakugo walked in. Mina, Denki, and Kirishima looked to the door to see bakugo with his head down, passing by their sleeping teacher.

"Something must be wrong Bakugo never walks with his head down," Kirishima said, now getting more worried for his friend.

"Yeah, you are right; maybe we should go check on him, and if he is upset, cheer him up," Mina said

"Yeah!" Denki cheered, grabbing Sero and walking over to Bakugo. When they got to Bakugo, they noticed he was zoning out and just staring at his desk. This made Kirishima nervous and afraid for his friend because he had never seen Bakugo like before; he did not even know Bakugo could look anything other than angry. He wanted to ask Bakugo what is wrong, hoping his friend could confide in him, but something scared him more when he tapped his shoulder. Bakugo quickly masked his sadness and made an angry face as nothing happened, and his eyes looked like they were flicking; they were empty and angry. This made Kirishima worried that his friends as mean sad longer than today and made him afraid for how long Bakugo has been feeling low. 

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