Chapter 6

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 Kirishima's Pov:

Throughout the day, Kirishima worried about Bakugo, hoping that his sickness would not be so bad that Bakugo could not care for himself. Kirishima wanted to run to the dorms and make sure that Bakugo was alright. So as soon as the bell rang, that is what Kirishima did.

When Kirishima opened the door to the dorms, he thought the Bakugo would be upstairs, but halfway up the stairs, he heard soft snoring that sounded somewhat adorable in the standard room.

Kirishima turned around and ahead in that direction at the bottom of the stairs. He saw his class coming in talking to each other. He quickly quieted them and pointed to the common rooms.

Third-person Pov-

The class was confused by this but soon understood when they heard soft snoring. They knew Bakugo was the only one else in the dorms, making him the source of the cute sound.

When Kirishima pushed open the common room doors, he saw a tuft of blond hair at the end of the couch. Kirishima walked over and almost squealed at how cute Bakugo was being.

Bakugo had his face the most relaxed Kirishima has ever seen, and he was cuddling the pillow in his arms. Which only made him cuter.

Kirishima motioned for the rest of the class to look. They all cautiously stepped towards Bakugo in fear that it was a trap and they would get their faces exploded. Their fears all disappeared when they saw Bakugo sleeping.

Most of the class had widened eyes because they had no idea Bakugo could be this cute. While everyone was trying their hardest to keep quiet, the peacefulness was soon broken by mina.

"Aww, he is so cute; I had no idea Bakugou could be this adorable," Mina squealed at the top of her lungs.

The sound caused Bakugo to stir slightly. They all stopped breathing; some even tried to back away but soon halted when they say Bakugo bring the palms of his hands up to his face and rub his eyes, now sitting fully up.

Everyone's minds went Blank; they completely forgot they should be wary of Bakugo now; instead, some etched closer to Bakugo.

Bakugo's Pov-

When Bakugo opened his eyes after being awoken by a loud noise, he noticed shadows looming over him. He rubbed his eyes to ensure that it wasn't those black dots you get when you sit up too fast.

Bakugo slowly sat up and noticed all of his classmates looking at him. Bakugo was still tired, so he yawned and stretched before he said anything to try and wake himself up.

Bakugo quickly stood up when he was awake enough.


"and he is back," Todoroki mumbled even though he thought Bakugo still looked adorable because of his outfit.

"Aww Bakubabe, you are so adorable when you sleep," Mina said

3rd person Pov-

The whole class watched as Bakugos face turned redder than Kirishima's hair. This just made Bakugo even more adorable, and the class had to stop themselves from running over and hugging Bakugo.

"YOU GUYS ARE SUCH CREEPS WATCHING ME SLEEP" Bakugo yelled even though he was flustered. Bakugo himself was surprised he didn't stutter when he talked.

"Yes, we apologize, bakugo I tried to walk away, but then you got cuter somehow, and I could not look away anymore," Lida said

"You guys just sound creepier," Bakugo said

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