Chapter 5

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This chapter will start with Bakugo already having the dorms to himself and everybody else being at school. Kirishima told Aizawa about Bakugo staying in the dorms sick. Aizawa was also suspicious about that but let it go for the time being.


Bakugo's Pov-

Bakugo woke up to utter silence, and even though he was used to this because he got up earlier than most people. He still found being in the quiet a little different; having only lived in the dorms for a short time, he was used to waking up to his parents screaming at him or each other.

I wonder if I will ever get used to the silence when I have full freedom from my parents.

Bakugo continued thinking about all the things he had never had before that he would obtain if he left his parents behind. He was also wondering if he would get used to having those things.

He wonders if he would get accustomed to the silence, the lack of pain, and the overwhelming amount of choices he would now have instead of his parents controlling his life and friends.

Bakugo has never altogether had friends before he wanted to continue being friends with Deku, but Bakugo's parents forced him to end their friendship.

When Bakugo was younger, he bumped into Deku a couple of days after ending their friendship. Deku tried to talk to Bakugo. When Bakugo got home that day, his parents beat him for talking to Deku.

Because Bakugo was young, he thought his parents were always watching him, so he started to do whatever they told him to do. Bakugo bullied Deku because he was jealous and because he was scared; Bakugo wanted to make sure his parents never thought he and Deku were friends again.

Bakugo was soon pulled out of his painful memories when he felt his stomach growl. Bakugo slowly got up from the bed and got dressed. He couldn't stay in the same clothes as yesterday.

Bakugo dressed in Nike shorts, an oversized pastel blue sweatshirt, and knee-high socks.

Bakugo started to head out of his dorm and enter the common rooms failing to look at the clock. See, even though Bakugo woke up at 10 o'clock, he did not realize that he had been thinking for hours.

Bakugo skipped down the stairs and started to make himself some soup. Thinking he had time before his classmates came into the dorms, he turned on the TV.

When Bakugo got his soup from the microwave, he walked over to the couch and curled himself into the side of it. Bakugo brought his knees up to his chest and rested the soup onto his stomach.

When Bakugo was halfway through the movie, he watched and finished eating as much of the soup as his stomach would let him. Knowing that he would have to regain some strength because he can't miss all the training sessions.

Bakugo, still thinking the time was only 12 o'clock at most bakugo laid down entirely on the couch, feeling tired and curled in on himself, cuddling a throw pillow slightly, he drifted off into sleep. 


(a/n): Sorry this is short. I might post again tomorrow or later tonight, but my computer is dying, and I wanted to post today. 

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