Chapter 4

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(a/n): This chapter will be shorter; it is also not going to move forward from the last chapter's events. This chapter is just going to be a bunch of people's different POVs. There will be dividers before each pov. The POVs will all start from lunch in chapter two.

----The divider I will use is below is to signify POVs changing----


----------The other divider below will signify time skips----------



Kirishima's Pov:

Bakugo has been acting strangely for a while. He didn't even notice when we got back from lunch yesterday. The only reason he lifted his head up or even got out of his daze was that sensei walked in.

I hope he is ok. I mean, he is my best bro.

Kirishima was only snapped out of a daze of his own when he heard the class groan. Kirishima was very confused but soon understood when he saw people bringing out a sheet of paper and the book of hero's history the class was reading.

Ugh, great, we have to do some type of book report. Yay! *sarcasm*

Even though Kirishima's mode was down because of the writing, he was about to do. His manner soon lifted it back to its regular sunshineness upon hearing about training tomorrow.

Kirishima was excited because he had been training every day even though the class had not been training together. Kirishima hoped that he had grown strong enough to beat Bakugo in sparring, seeing as Kirishima never bested him in sparing before.

The Bakusquad were all talking when Kirishima noticed Bakugo got up from his chair. He watches as Bakugo spoke to the teacher, listening to their conversation.

(gosh, stalker much, Kirishima)

What Kirishima heard made him more worried about Bakugo. Bakugo has never left class early because he always said he needed to hear about any information just in case and didn't want to get behind any extras. Kirishima rolled his eyes, remembering Bakugo's exact words.


Kirishima and the Bakusquad were all speeding down the hallway to Bakugo's dorm. After bakugo left the classroom, Kirishima talked to the bakugo squad explaining how this was even weirder for bakugo behavior.

The bakusquad and Kirishima were now 100% sure something was wrong with bakugo, and when they knocked on Bakugo's door, their assumption was proven right.

After Kirishima heard Bakugo stumble a few times and groan, he almost burst through the door to help Bakugo out. Right as he was about to put his hand on the doorknob, the door swung open.

There stood Bakugo looking sickly. Kirishima was surprised Bakugo had never faced them when he was sick before. Kirishima's room is right next to Bakugo, so every time Bakugo got sick, Kirishima could hear, but no matter how many times Kirishima knocked on the door to check on him, Bakugo would never open up.

Kirishima and the bakusquad kept pushing Bakugo to let them help him, but he would not budge. Kirishima wasn't upset by this. He was mostly happy because he still felt like Bkaugo was opening up more.

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