Chapter 3

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Aizawa walked into the classroom and got his sleeping bag ready for when he would use it in 2 minutes.

"God, he is such a lazy teacher. Mind as well walk into the classroom with a sleeping bag on him." Bakugo thought

Bakugo just stared at the teacher, waiting for the daily class announcements.

"Ok, today we are just going to make notes," Aizawa said

"UgggHHHH" Everybody groaned except Bakugo, who was glad they were taking notes as to take his mind off of himself.

"Tomorrow, we are going to be in training, so be prepared," Aizawa said

Everybody was eager to train as they have not trained for three weeks because someone(*Cough* Denki *Cough*) destroyed the training field.

Everyone started to whisper amongst themselves about what they could be training. They all talked about how they think they have gotten stronger because some have trained on their own whether they wanted to or not( Sorry, Todoroki).

While everyone was talking about who they wanted to go against and who they thought they could beat, Bakugo was once again staring off into space. . .thinking about all that could go wrong tomorrow.

---------------Bakugo's Pov--------------

Great, while everyone else has gotten stronger, I have gotten weaker. People are already suspicious, and if I show up to training tomorrow weaker, then people might guess that I am not eating.

What if someone tells sensei that he might send me home? I can't back there. They would also hurt me worse because someone caught me being weak.

I need to come up with a plan for tomorrow and also get people to stop being suspicious.

----------------End of thoughts----------------------------

While class1a continued talking about tomorrow, Bakugo hurried and finished the assignment, and because it was the last class period, he hoped Aizawa would let him go early.

When Bakugo finished the assignment, he ran up to Aizawa and slammed his paper down to get his teacher's attention.

"Sir, I finished my assignment. Can I got to my dorm room early?" Bakugo asked

"Yeah, ok, I don't care," Aizawa said before falling back asleep.

Bakugo quickly gathered his stuff and left. When he got to his dorm, he grabbed a piece of notebook paper to write out his plan.


How to get the extras off my back

1. Add more makeup to cover up the lack of sleep and scares

2. Hang out just a little more with them

3. Don't stare off into space. Always make sure to pay attention

4. They are most likely to ask if I am ok to tell them something mildly to where they get off your back


                           1. My dog died (wait, don't have a dog)

                           2. A low-level relative died

                           3. I just woke up wrong

                           4. I did not get enough sleep

                           5. Failed a test (make sure not to say that near Aizawa) 

                           6.  Felt ill

5. Make sure never to let your mask crack again

How to get out of training ideas:

1. Tell teacher your sick

2. Skip (wait, no, that would be suspicious)

3. A fake parent phone call to the school

4. Say your family needs you

5. go and try not to pass out

(no longer paper)

Bakugo then finished writing on the paper; he choose which one he would go with to help him out with his plans, then he stuffed the papers in his desk, hoping no one would find them.

Bakugo looked at the clock and saw he had 15 minutes left till the extras come back to the dorms. He turned on the tv and ran to the bathroom. Bakugo decided to go with the sick option, but he needed to make himself look more ill.

In the bathroom, bakugo added a lighter foundation to make himself look paler. He also removed only a tiny bit of the makeup under his eyes to make himself look sicker and more tired.

When he finished making himself look unwell, he tucked himself under the covers, grabbed a tissue box, bundled some tissues, and threw them on the bed, making them look used.

After ten minutes of sitting there watching pointless tv, he heard knocking at his door. Bakugo slowly got up and stumbled a few times for the effect and making him sound more ill. When Bakugo got to the door, he saw worried members of the Bakusquad. 

Bakugo- W-what do you extras want 

Kirishima- we just wanted to make sure you were ok; you have acted weird all day. Bakubro

Mina- Yeah, and now you don't look or sound good Bakubabe

Bakugo- I am fine extras just a *cough under the w-weather

Mina- Maybe we can take care of you. I mean, you are normally never sick.

Denki- Yeah bro

Bakugo- No, I am fine extras. I might rest through; it has gotten worse since school started, so I might not be a school tomorrow. 

Sero- bro, if it has gotten worse, let us help. 

Bakugo- no, because If I get you sick, then I have to take care fo you, and I don't want to have to deal with your extras

Denki- aww, you care about us. 

Bakugo- no, I don't. I want you to leave.

Kirishima- are you sure, bro, because we can take care of you. 

Mina- yeah, bakubabe, it is what friends do.

Bakugo- I told you I am fine; don't look down on me.

With that, Bakugo slammed the door into their faces. Bakugo was happy because he felt like he succeeded in his plan. 


(a/n): I am sorry for the shorter chapter. I just wanted to publish something tonight

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