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You awoke the next morning after a surprisingly good night's sleep, all things considered. It wasn't until you yawned and stretched that you noticed a knock on the door, soft but alarming.

"It is time to start your duties, [Y/N]." that all too familiar voice greeted, though slightly muffled by the door. You stumbled out of bed and tried your best to put on the complicated layers of clothing you'd removed the previous night, all in the pitch darkness of the room. Going completely by feel you somehow managed to get dressed.

You navigated your way to your bedside table and picked up the brush you'd found there last night, you suspected the demon left it there for you, brushing and styling your hair as much as you could with the limited supplies. As you went to head out of the room you licked your teeth and noticed a layer of fuzz, grimy build up from not having brushed them for the last couple of days.

It then hit you that you hadn't showered for two days either, not to mention your hair hadn't been washed and had started to become dense with oil. You cringed outwardly, trying your best not let it bother you but the idea that you would be letting Sebastian, one of your biggest 2D crushes, see you like this made you want to hide under your blankets.

"Shit." you cursed, running your hands down your face and sighing heavily to try and relieve your frustration. Your body wasn't used to living without the basic hygiene products of the 21st century.

"Is there a problem?" You heard mid panic and it made you jump. The butler was still at your door?

"Wait, you're still here?" you asked, making your way over and resting your hand on the doorknob, "Don't you have, I don't know, butler stuff you need to do?"

There was a light snicker, "I was waiting to see if you would need my assistance. After all, you had needed it yesterday to get dressed." he said with a noticeable smirk in his voice.

You mulled over asking him about the availability of a shower, not wanting to know if the answer would be "no, but we have a bucket and some cold water".

"Is something the matter?" he called and you brought your attention back to the door, scrunching your eyebrows a little.

"I was just wondering... if I could take a shower or something."

Sebastian hummed in thought, audible even with the door between you. "I am inclined to warn you, it is uncommon for servants to have showers." You paled at the thought and awaited the dreaded bucket scenario, "To bathe often is a luxury few common people can afford."

There was a whimper building in your throat and you tamped it down with a thick swallow. "No shower? I-" you ran a clammy hand down your face and urged yourself to continue, "I can't just not bathe, my body legit can't handle it."

For a moment there was only silence, you wondered if Sebastian had left before he answered to your concerns, "Is this necessary for your comfort and wellbeing?" he asked, which took you a little by surprise.

"Uhm ye-s?" you stammered.

There was a sigh, followed by, "Very well, I will provide you with what you need, given that it is within my power to do so." His tone was somewhat clipped and you could imagine he was sporting an annoyed expression. "Is there anything else you will be needing?"

You waste no time in listing some things you desperately needed, toothpaste, shampoo and soap being the main things for the time being. You debated asking about what to do when you got your period, deciding it'd probably be better to ask Mey-rin.

You ended your list of requests with, "Why are you willing to give me that stuff anyway? I mean, it's not like you have to since we don't have a contract."

Trapped in Black Butler || Sebastian X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now