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The year is 2020 and you distinctly remember telling yourself on the eve of the current year that you were finally going to start getting your life together. You're sure that many people all over the world had this exact thought, and of those that did, many had even started to put it into motion. Look, we know what happened, global pandemic and all. You, just as every other sensible human being, knew that your role was to sit at home and abide by the restrictions put in place by health officials and not leave unless it was absolutely necessary.

You would, however, be lying to yourself if you said that, even as much as you used to love taking sick days just to spend more time at home avoiding responsibilities before the virus, you weren't bored and just about ready to risk catching the damned virus for a bit of human interaction external to those you lived with. You even began to miss wandering around busy shopping centers just to people watch.

Just as the countless others in your position you took up more arbitrary activities to sate the time you spent at home alone, you even bought a little house plant to keep you company and to give you something you do in the form of watering and upkeep. You might need to check on it actually...

One of the things you're almost reluctant to admit is that you've gotten back into your anime phase. Okay, maybe you never got out of it but with all of this newfound time on your hands you're spending a lot of it watching TV and old shows you'd watched when you were still in school. Reliving the days before adult responsibilities sunk its depressing hooks into you. The days of role play, fanart and Cosplay, sure you still might have done those things every now and again before covid but adult life doesn't permit it nearly as much.

It's been fun and it's kept you sane through quarantine. You and your friends have kept in touch online and they too have gotten back into the more childish and enjoyable things in life. One in particular had gotten back into Black Butler and in turn that had gotten you back into it. You were reading fanfic again, particularly Sebastian x reader fanfics. You were wholly convinced that people had stopped writing those but to your surprise there was a fresh one just a few days ago.

With this revival of anime watching came some new and classic memes shared across a multitude of platforms. One in particular making its way onto your feed after you'd decided to follow some black butler fan pages. It was one of those old memes with Sebastian's hand outstretched to the viewer and the text reading 'take my hand and I will take you to the anime world', truly a classic and a relic. You spared it a reaction, even shared it to your friend and received a 'lmao xdsdds' in response.

You spent the rest of your day completing the same mundane tasks you had been repeating for over 3 months by this point before finally deciding it was time for bed.

Sleep came relatively easily, your boredom giving room to a lack of energy for anything more for the day and you drifted off, your last conscious thoughts wandering just briefly to that old meme you'd seen earlier and you wondered how much fun it would actually be in the world of Black Butler. 

Trapped in Black Butler || Sebastian X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now