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By the time you'd woken up the sun had completely dipped below the trees, leaving only the final pink remnants of light in the sky which was fading right before your eyes. You'd managed to remove your petticoat and boots before taking your nap, making it significantly more bearable to lay down.

You attempted to blink the sting out of your eyes, to no avail. Grumbling, you turned your gaze towards your night stand and noticed a single lit candle. Must have been the work of the butler. Without much more time debating whether or not you should get up, you just did. You sat up and swung your feet over the side of the bed, putting on your boots and stumbling to your feet. You figured you should put your petticoat on too since there was a guest and with a bit of fumbling you managed to secure it.

Holding the candle, you made your way to the door and entered the hallway, it was as dark as it was the night before but you didn't feel the same ominous presence you had then. Thinking back, that was definitely Sebastian. You continued down the hallway and then towards the kitchen where you suspected the rest of the servants were.

When you reached the kitchen you could hear laughter and the general sounds of meal preparations. Upon opening the door you were greeted by the three staff as they turned to you, bright smiles on their faces.

"'Ey, [Y/N]. We're jus' gettin' dinner ready for th' guest," greeted Baldroy first, holding up a knife and waving it around as he did so.

Next to greet you was Finny, he pushed himself up from where he was leaning on the countertop and beamed over at you, "[Y/N]! How was your nap?" he asked.

You don't have much to say about the nap, you didn't have a dream you could remember and you felt rested enough to work for the night. Nothing special. "Good," you settled for, stretching to prove your response. "What're you guys up to?" you queried, even though you already knew.

"Sebastian told us ta keep outta th'way while he fixes our messes," the chef grumbled and you hid a smirk behind your hand, "Told us to follow his orders to tha letter. So now 'm cuttin' the meat I charred earlier, said 'e wan'ed ta serve it raw. Or somethin'."

"'N I'm here for moral support!" cheered the gardener. "but really, I just got back from cleaning up th' yard after... Using a bit too much weed killer." He let loose a nervous laugh and rubbed at the back of his neck.

"We all make mistakes," you reassure him, besides, you could guarantee that no matter what trouble the people of this house got into, that demon could solve it all, "It's a good thing Sebastian is around then."

"That's f'sure. That bastard is cocky though, prob'ly thinks he's better than all of us." The chef's sentence was punctuated by his knife hitting the wooden chopping board he was working over.

"Oh don't say that, Bard. Sebastian is a great help to us and the young masta'." Finny's eyes were aglow with admiration. You nodded, agreeing even if you did know that his perfect butler aesthetic was just a farce.

As the three of you continued with idle chatter, the door opened and in peered the aforementioned butler. "How is it going?" he asked, a look of expectant disappointment already on his face.

"'M doin' it like y'said to." Baldroy replied, lifting up the slab of meat he was cutting into, "This really what y'want?" he asked, an almost annoyed smile on his face.

The demon expressed without his eyes, only a cursory smirk dancing on his lips, "Yes," he began, glancing over to you just briefly, "that looks excellent."

Once again, you felt your heart race, was he saying that to you? You didn't want to assume it, he was probably just sparing you a glance to take stock of who was in the room. You turned to face Finny who had his chin resting on the kitchen island, hands beside his face, anything to take your attention off the way Sebastian's presence made you feel.

Trapped in Black Butler || Sebastian X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now