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"What are the four of you doing?" You heard from the entrance to the kitchen. All of you turned to the source of the voice to see Sebastian standing there, a neutral expression on his face as he pushed a cart in front of him.

Mey-rin jumped back off you, squeaking in surprise at the butler's sudden appearance, "Sebastian-" she yelped, twisting the ends of her hair.

Sebastian sighed, fixing his gloves and sparing a sideways glance in your direction for a brief moment. You looked elsewhere, instead focusing on Baldroy's cooking. "Hey, S'bastian," the chef greeted, "makin' the servant's breakfast." he drops his head back to focus on his stirring, "Wan' some?" the disinterest in his voice suggest he knows the answer, that being negative.

"No." Sebastian replies, curt and quick.

"Well, doesn' hurt t'ask." Bard continues at his task as the butler moves around him, cleaning the items he'd brought in on the cart.

The maid and gardener began to chatter, both loud and full of energy as they animatedly recounted their morning and whatever trouble they'd gotten up to. After a while you noticed one of them was calling out to you, "[Y/N], where were you this mornin'?" the maid asked, "I looked for you to see if y'could help with the laundry but I couldn't find you." she continued.

Suddenly all eyes were now on you, even the demon turned his head in your direction, his crimson gaze a heavy weight to bare. You faltered, one hand brought up to wave away an explanation as the other rubbed at your neck. "I was, uh-" you're interrupted when Sebastian clears his throat.

"Never mind that." He starts, glaring pointedly at Mey-rin, "Baldroy, Finnian and Mey-rin, I have a task for the three of you." as their names were called they stood to attention. "There is an infestation of rats in the manor, the three of you are to rid the place of the vermin." He paused to sigh "Do try not to break anything in the process" there was a tiredness in his voice.

"Yes sir!" the three shouted in unison, heels together and standing arrow straight.

"As for you." he continues, attention now on you, "You will come with me, the Lord has guests arriving soon and I need your assistance in preparing for them." silence befalls everyone in the room as they await your response.

Shyly, you answer him in he only way that feels appropriate, "Yes sir."

"Very good." He says fixing the hems of his gloves and walking towards the door, "I will retrieve you once you are done with your meal." and then he leaves.

The four of you eat together at the table, thankfully Mey-rin decides not, or maybe forgets, to bring up the topic of your disappearance that morning. The porridge is pretty decent for what it was worth, you suspect that Bard can actually cook proper meals but his love for firearms gets the better of him.

The others finish pretty quick and, after some pleasant small talk, make their way out of the kitchen chanting about how they're off to kill the rats. You on the other hand wait in the kitchen for Sebastian to come and get you, which doesn't take long. He shows up as you're quietly mumbling one of your favorite songs, head resting in your hand, elbow on the table.

"Are you ready to-"

"Oh fuck-" you exclaim, jerking your head to the side to notice Sebastian was bent at the waist to whisper right into your ear. His eyes widen slightly, strands of hair falling from where it was tucked behind his ear.

His expression returns to normal and he straightens, "I have to admit, I was not expecting that." he says, lips turning up at the corners.

Embarrassment colors your cheeks and you try to look angry, "Well what did you expect? You snuck up behind me." you accuse, pushing yourself up and away from the table until your standing in front of the demon.

Trapped in Black Butler || Sebastian X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now