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You avoided telling him what WAP means, knowing too well that you'd just be embarrassing yourself trying to explain it to a man from the 19th century. Instead you focused on finishing the slice while Sebastian busied himself making tea for you.

"Oh, thank you." you said awkwardly as he placed the cup on the table in the corner of the room, you'd moved to it earlier to physically take yourself out of the conversation.

"It is my pleasure." He rested one hand on the table and shifted to lean his weight on it. You watched him as he brought his other hand up and to his mouth, opening it slightly to catch the tip on his gloved middle finger between his sharp canines. It was undeniably sexier to see it happening in person than on a screen. "You are a rather messy eater, aren't you?" he accused.

You felt heat on your neck, "What do you mean? I haven't even gotten a crumb on the table." you retorted, having looked at the table and noticing it was spotless.

"No, not the table." he said as he reached out and swiped his ungloved thumb over your bottom lip. His other fingers brushed tentatively over your jaw, tilting your head up so that your gaze met his. When he pulled his hand away you were in a trance, unable to take your eyes away from his as you watched him bring his thumb to his mouth and swipe his tongue along the tip.

Your whole face felt like it was being pricked by little needles as blood rushed straight to it, "What-" you said breathlessly, feeling words die in your throat before you could voice them.

"Do try to be more graceful, [Y/N]." he moved to sit opposite you and you refused to follow his movements, instead you dipped your head low and stared into the tea he'd just brought over.

"What was that?" you asked quietly, unable to shake the image of those long, slender fingers and that perfect mouth. The man hummed but didn't answer, instead he placed one elbow on the table and rested his chin in his hand, the one still with a glove on it.

"Please, can you please just tell me what's going on." you begged, balling your hands into fists in your lap. "I really don't appreciate you toying with me like this. You told me earlier you'd explain what was going on with me and you but you haven't said anything about it." you finally chanced a look at the man only to notice he was smirking, his eyes sharp and piercing like he was gazing straight into you.

"I did, didn't I?" His voice sounded like it was echoing in your ears and you had to fight the urge to cover them. "You know that I am a demon." he stated, "I am sure that you know what demon's feast on, am I correct?"

"Souls..." you answered apprehensively, wondering where the conversation was going.

"Precisely. However, we cannot eat the souls of those who have not entered into a contract with us. Many of us go without consuming a single human soul for centuries." He brought his free hand up and onto the table, the sight of him in that moment so uncharacteristically informal, "How is it that you think we manage to survive for so long even when we do not form contracts?"

You don't have an answer for him, the best response you could supply was a shrug of your shoulders.

"Are you familiar with the Seven Deadly sins? " he questioned. You were beginning to feel like it was some kind of questionnaire.

"Yeah, like, lust, gluttony, greed... Uh" you drew blanks on some of them, "Wrath?" you counted on your fingers as you went, trying to think of the other three that you were missing.

"Pride, envy and sloth." he supplied. "We demons can survive by consuming the sins of humans without needing to form a contract." The confusion you were feeling must have been on your face because he continued after a hum, "I suppose an example you might understand would be how you humans need to eat and drink." His predatory gaze hadn't left you once and you felt like you might shrink under it. "A human can survive for around two months with only water, however your bodies will soon give out if you do not eat. It is the same for demons, we can sustain our existence for long periods of time by consuming the sins of humans but we are never truly sated until we consume a soul."

You thought about what he had told you for a moment, "I think I get it..." you trailed off, but you were still confused as to why that involved you getting all weird around him, "That doesn't explain why my body kind of... You know, gets all weird sometimes around you." you blushed, trying to explain it.

"Your lust." The smirk on his face was positively sinister, "That sin happens to be rather delicious." he punctuated that statement with a lick of his lips. Your lips parted in astonishment and you felt like lava was going to start erupting from your face with how hot it'd gotten.

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, "Wh- but why do you have to get that from me? I mean, doesn't Mey-rin have a crush on you? Why not consume her lust?" you shot off the questions rapid-fire, fearing you'd lose the confidence if you let him interrupt.

At that, the demon used his free hand to point at the tea, still untouched, "Think of it like tea, that the sins are the different types of tea; white, yellow, green, black... Say that lust is a black tea, there are many kinds of black tea." He paused to straighten himself, sitting upright and looking less casual, "Your souls do somewhat influence the taste of your sins, so to compare you and Mey-rin, you would be an Earl Grey and she would be an English breakfast." Sebastian stood up and walked around the table until he was behind you. You followed his movements, watching like a hawk.

He leaned down, moving his arms to rest on the edge of the table at your sides, effectively caging you in. You looked forward, too flustered to keep your eyes on him. When his head dipped low you felt his lips brush against your ear and reflexively you shuddered, trying to shift away but to no avail, his arms keeping you firmly in place.

"I am quite partial to the way you taste." he said directly into your ear. You made a noise in the back of your throat, something akin to surprise and maybe something else you'd like to avoid admitting.

"S-so the reason I get like that is because you're feeding off my... lust?" you asked, looking for a more black and white answer as opposed to the shades of grey you had been getting.

"I have yet to only sample your sin. Earlier I had a taste when I kissed your wrist, however, for the most part I have merely been steeping your flavor until the moment when your lust is ready to be properly consumed." you felt his hair tickle your cheek as he pulled away and moved to stand beside you.

"Wait, what will happen to me if you do consume... My..." you didn't really want to say it again, you were already embarrassed enough as it was, saying it might've made you spontaneously combust.

"In order for me to consume that particular sin, some physical exertion is required." Yet again he fixed you with a debonair smile, "I suspect you will feel quite drained, but other than that you will be perfectly fine." The look he gave you made you feel naked, even with the multiple layers of clothing you had on. You looked down, averting your eyes.

You had completely forgotten that he still had one hand ungloved until he used it to tilt your head up, you still kept your eyes elsewhere, "Until then, I shall make sure to prepare you properly." He took his hand away from your face and pulled his glove back on. You desperately wanted to say something but nothing came out except for the sound of your pounding heartbeat on your breath.

The demon took his leave, telling you to head back to your room along with something else your brain felt unimportant enough to not register. You couldn't settle down until Sebastian was long gone, leaving only you, an empty dessert plate and a cold, untouched tea.

What the hell kind of situation had you gotten yourself into?

Trapped in Black Butler || Sebastian X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now