𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 - 𝘕𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 {2/4}

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For the next month, Marmee, Meg, and Jo helped me care for my mother. Jo and I had already become great friends, she does most of the talking though, but I prefer to listen anyway. Meg is a very nurturing girl, I can tell by the way she takes care of her sisters. Mother and Marmee have become friends too, my mother would knit as they always talk amongst themselves about their kids and their interests. I can tell that Mother loves having Marmee around, she hasn't had a good friend in a long time...

Beth and Amy have also visited from time to time, nice because it takes my mind off of the heaviness that looms over the house. Mother has definitely gotten weaker day by day, but her heart is very much still beaming with love. 

The last day my mother was able to walk, we sat on a bench in the back garden. It was around noon and there was a warm breeze that swept through the trees and the flowers. We would sit out here quite often, she always said that she felt better after we were outside. She held my hand as we talked about all kinds of things, like how she told me she was happy that I had friends like the March girls. She adored them because many of the other girls my age were so proper and we were actually acting like kids...

{Trigger/Emotional Warning: Death}

"Eliza, dear, I can feel myself growing weaker... I want to talk to you about something hard to hear, can you be strong for me?" My mother asked as she looked into my eyes, what she needed to tell me was important. She always had this look that she wore when something was serious or important to her. 

"Yes, Mama?" I asked while preparing myself. 

She took a deep breath and said, "This is most likely the last time we will be able to sit outside together... I want you to remember this exact moment, let it engrave itself into your memory... When I pass, you will sprinkle some of my ashes onto this dirt so I can be a part of this land that I treasure. Whenever you miss me or when you feel the need to talk to me whenever I'm up in heaven, sit in this same spot, and speak freely. Tell me everything from things you're struggling with to your happy moments in life, trust me when I say that I will hear you. I will be sitting next to you the entire time your here, and I will be in here-" She pointed to my chest. "- as well..." 

Tears began to well up in our eyes as she continued. " And please keep this house in our family, you won't be able to live here alone after I pass but when you marry, please just keep this house in the family." 

"I promise, Mama. " I said with a shaking voice. 

"That's my girl..." She said as she stroked my face with her cold hand. I leaned into it and smiled, I wanted to remember this exact moment, this hard yet meaningful moment...

After a few moments, she handed me her woven bag that she always carried around. "On a lighter note, I want you to have this, I got this bag once I realized I was pregnant with you and I needed to carry around more for the both of us. " My mother said with a gentle laugh, I laughed with her and took the bag and opened it. She took out her knitting needles and showed them to me, "I bought these when I decided that I wanted to make you your own baby clothes..." She smiled as she held them in her hand. "I hope that you will use these along with what I taught you about knitting." She said as she handed them over to me. 

"I will, Mama. I learned from the best teacher the world has to offer. " I said with a smile as I put them back in the bag, I then rested my head on her lap. 

Mother began to play with my hair, "I love you, Eliza. " 

I looked up at her and playfully said, "I love you more!" 

She smirked and said, "Oh, I doubt that." while tickled me. We laughed together for a few moments then she let me catch my breath just before she began tickling me again.

A few days later on August 29th, 1856, my mother was growing tired and weak. She had told me that the night before, she had a dream and God told her that the next morning was her last day with us. The whole March family was there that day to say their goodbyes. Each one of the girls hugged her and she told them how smart, creative, beautiful, and caring they were. 

Mother sat me down with a teary-eyed Marmee and Mr. March on her bed, she was very frail, pale, and weak as she spoke. "My dear, Eliza. I have spoken with the March's and they have offered to adopt you after I pass and I gave them my blessing. They will care for you, love you, provide for you, and continue to raise you. We have talked it out and they helped me write my will." I silently cried as I held her hand. She used her other one to hold my face and she said, "I wholeheartedly trust them for you to be under their care... I just know you will grow up to be a beautiful, wholesome, loving, intelligent, and successful young lady. I ask you to stay true to yourself and for you to not change for someone, for society, or for any man. Do you understand?" 

"I understand, Mama. " I said through tears. 

"Everything in that trunk-" She nodded to the one against the wall, it was just low enough to the ground so it could fit under a bed but long enough for plenty of room. "-you are to take with you tonight as well as anything else you need when you stay at the March's. Margret, can you open it?" She asked Marmee, she nodded and opened it gently. "I have collected all of my ribbons, dresses, hats, jewelry, gloves, scarves, and knitting supplies and put them in there for you to take. It is quite a large trunk so there is room for more things as well" She said with a weak yet gentle chuckle, we smiled with her and she returned to look at me. 

"I know you won't let me down... There is so much more that I wish to tell you but so little time. Over the past month, I asked Margret to help me fill out a small journal full of things you might ask me, some advice for those moments when you need it, a page for your next fifteen birthdays, and notes for some of your life's most important events." She started coughing and then proceeded to finish what she was saying. "I love you with all of my heart, Eliza." 

I smiled, "I love you with all of my heart, Mama."

"That's my girl, remember what we talked about in the garden..." She said as she moved her hand down from my face. Mother looked at Mr. and Ms. March and said, "Thank you so much for everything, you two have truly been a blessing for the both of us." 

"Of course, Fiona. I promise Robert and I will continue to raise your daughter right. " Marmee said with a smile as she rubbed my mother's leg over the sheets and blankets. 

"I feel so tired... Robert, will you read Psalm 23 for me as I go to sleep?" My mother asked. 

"I would be honored, Fiona." Mr. March said as he pulled a pocket bible out from his pocket and flipped through the pages. I held her hand tighter and she smiled. She slowly closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stroked my hand with her thumb. 

{If you don't want to read this you can skip it, I thought it would be fitting because Mr. March is a minister, and most people during this time were religious.}

" A Psalm of David. 

The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want.

He lets me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still and quiet waters.

He refreshes and restores my soul (life);
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort and console me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I shall dwell forever in the house and in the presence of the Lord. "

𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now