Chapter 11 {"Can I come in?"}

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I awoke to another cold and snowy day, Oliver purred softly as I looked at his sweet little face. With a sigh, I sat up, slipped on my house shoes, and covered my cold arms with a shawl. Jo and Beth were still sound asleep so I decided to bring Oliver downstairs with me, I'd enjoy the company while I made breakfast.

Once I made it to the empty kitchen and set a sleepy Oliver in another warm basket, I stoaked the oven fire and began gathering ingredients. Today I would make a simple breakfast, eggs, toast, and bacon. Hannah would be upset that I started cooking without her but I had nothing better to do in the meantime...

My mind wandered about my day while I cooked the food... Around noon I would accompany Beth to Mr. Lawerence's home, while she played the piano, hopefully, I could have a conversation with Laurie. I began to doubt myself... What if he stopped being friends with my sisters because of our falling out? What if he didn't want to be around me anymore because of how humiliating our situation was? What if he never talked to me again? Panic filled my mind but I shook my head in protest. "No... I can't think in that manner. It will be ok, I just need to stay calm... " I softly spoke to myself.

Once everything was cooked and laid out on the table and ready to eat, Hannah walked in and gasped. "Eliza Jansen-March! You know not to start the stove without me! You could have set the house ablaze! " She said with her arms in the air, I giggled and said, "Oh Hannah, it's all right. The house clearly is still in order. " She rolled her eyes and walked to the foyer where everyone could hear her, I quickly ran over to a sleeping Oliver and cupped my hands over his tiny ears to protect him from the burst of noise that was about to be made. I braced myself for Hannah's house rattling announcement, "RISE AND SHINE EVERYONE! BREAKFAST IS READY! "

Oliver just rolled over and I sighed in relief, Hannah's morning wake-up call echos up the walls and practically makes everyone jump out of their skin.

Everyone had made their way to the dining table and ate the prepared breakfast that lay before them. Meg finished sipping her milk, smirked, and asked, "So, Eliza, are you ready to speak with Laurie? " Everyone looked at me and I softly groaned in response, "I mean, I think I do. I'm just rattled about the whole situation..." I said as I took a bite of my bacon. Jo nudged me from her seat next to me and said, "Oh my darling, Eliza...It will be fine! Laurie clearly can't resist you as it is!" I gasped and felt my cheeks go red as Beth and Amy giggled, Meg and Marmee gasped, and Hannah burst out laughing. "JO! " I loudly said with my flushed face and raised eyebrows. "What? I'm clearly saying what everyone is thinking. Right? " Jo asked as she scanned over everyone. They all looked at each other in silence as Jo laughed at them. "Oh. My. Goodness. " I said as I held my head in my hands... This is more public than I thought...

Beth and I, tightly bundled in our winter coats, walked out of the house and proceeded to Mr. Laurence's home. Beth looked at me with worry as we walked, "Eliza, are you ok? " she asked. I sighed in an effort to contain myself and said, "If I'm going to be honest, I'm scared... What if things are too awkward now? What if he doesn't feel the same? " Beth pursed her lips and thought for a moment before responding, " If he truly cares about you then he will attempt to be understanding about how you felt and the whole situation... But I don't think he'll stay away from you for long, I can tell by the way he looks at you... It's as if you're a shining jewel in a display case, he can't help but admire you. " Beth softly smiled while holding my empty hand in her's as we continued to walk, my other hand was occupied with my bag... 

"Do you really think that, Beth? " I asked, she nodded and said, "I do, Eliza. Just take it slow and be honest with yourself and your heart. " I smiled back at her then I realized we had already made it to the front door.

𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now