Chapter 14 {Preperations, Haircuts, and Goodbyes}

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Meg and Hannah aided Marmee as she did her packing while Amy and Beth repeated their prayers over and over again. Jo had been running around the house to find spare change as I walked Laurie outside so he could go to Plumfield and deliver Marmee's letter. He held my hand as we walked out of the house, my breathing was shandy as my hands trembled... 

I couldn't lose Father too, he adopted me and granted my mother's final wishes. He raised me just like his other girls and showed me what it's like to be loved by a father. He's the only one I have because my birth father was never around. He can't die, he won't, Marmee will be able to nurse him back to health... Right?

I was so distracted by my thoughts that I never noticed that Laurie was analyzing my face that most likely showed how scared and tense I was. "Hey, look at me. " He said as he stopped walking only a few steps from the house to face me. 

No, I can't think like that. Marmee can heal him, she's good with medicine. But what if we don't have enough money for medicine? I should have given Marmee my rag money last month, then we would have enough.

"Eliza? " His voice sounded muffled as my ears rang and my chest tightened, tears began to brim my eyes and Laurie grew more concerned.

I should have saved it for an emergency like this... No matter, what could I do to make more money? I could sell some of my dresses and shoes, no that would take too much time. Could I bake some goods for a bake sale? - "Eliza? Can you hear me? " - No, that would be wasting food that we need while Marmee is gone. When does Meg's monthly pay come in? Not for another two weeks and we can't wait for that long... Wait! I could sell my hair to the wigmaker... - "Eliza, please talk to me! What's going on? " - That could work! It would be very short for around a year but I'll manage... How much could I get for around nine inches of hair? Maybe around fifteen dollars more or less. That would cover the train ride there and back, Marmee and Father's food, and more medicine if he gets worse-

"ELIZA! " Laurie yelled as I snapped out of my trance, both of his hands were on the sides of my face so I was looking directly at him. My senses started to return as I placed my hand on top of his. "You were in some sort of panic, you didn't even hear me say your name. What's going through your head? " Tears flooded back into my eyes, and some trickled down my cheeks and on Laurie's hands that rested there. "Laurie, I'm so scared... I already lost my mother, and I can't lose Father too. He'll be ok, right?... Please say that he'll be ok... Please..." I cried as his face softened and he pulled me into his arms. His right hand rested on the back of my head while the other wrapped around my waist to hold me against him... "I know that it's unbearable to sit in uncertainties and wait for news, but all we can do now is aid Marmee by doing what we can. She will take good care of him, he's already at a hospital in Washington where he's being watched until she gets there... I wish we could talk about this more but I must deliver this letter to Aunt March before it gets too late, let's just help Marmee get ready then we can talk more later, I promise... " Laurie said as he stroked the back of my head with his hand. 

He was right, we need to focus on what Marmee asked so she can be on her way to Father... I nodded and we looked back at each other one more time before he kissed my forehead, my eyes fluttered closed but opened again as he pulled away and reluctantly walked down the street.

My heart sank a little but I was surprised when Jo closed the front door, she was fully dressed and she brought me a coat and bonnet. "Here! Take these, we need to get the medicine Marmee asked for. " She said as she handed the clothes to me, I sighed and she gave me a confused look. I assume that my face showed holly felt about the whole situation, so before she got to say something, I put on the clothing items and blurted out, "I know how we can get more money. "  "How? " She asked puzzled and taken aback by my outburst. I smirked and said, "I'm going to cut my hair and sell it to the wigmaker, he could give us a good sum of money and it would cover all of Marmee's expenses. " Jo's confusing look changed almost instantly while she thought, her eyebrows furrowed until her eyes widened and a smile grew on her face. "Eliza, that's brilliant! But I refuse for you to cut all of your hair, let's both cut ours so you don't come back bald. " I shook my head, "No, I can't ask you do cut yours too- " I began to oppose before she interrupted me, "Ah, Ah, Ah! I'm cutting mine too, and you didn't need to ask, and there's nothing you can say to change my mind. " I stared at her and huffed in defeat, I know that she wouldn't take no for an answer... Jo's devilish smirk turned into a laugh as my frown turned into a giggle... Somehow she always knew how to make me smile even when there are issues at hand.

𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now