Chapter 17 {Meg's Departure and Bickering }

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Last night I had finally finished the purple dress for Meg to wear at the ball... I didn't mind turning it over, but I found it easier to complete the dress when Laurie was there, his company made it more enjoyable even though he asked a lot of questions... 

Today I woke up and looked out the window to see the front garden blooming with flowers. My cheeks flushed slightly because it reminded me of the bundle of flowers that Laurie gave me yesterday... 

It's the little things Laurie does that make my heart flutter, such as holding my hand under the dining table when he's over for dinner, how his eyebrows slightly furrow when he smiles, the way he squeezes my hand when he can tell I'm climbing in my head about Marmee or Father... He even knows my favorite brand of yarn that I use and buys me some when there's a new color or colors I'm running out of... He's truly the best partner I could have asked for and I can't wait until we get approval for our courtship...

I sighed as I still continued to look out of the window and remembered that Meg would be leaving for Annie Moffat's home to stay the next two nights and attend the ball tomorrow night. So I stood up and quietly got ready for the day...

An hour had passed and I was almost done with cleaning her turned-over dress when Amy walked with a skip in her steps down the stairs. "Good morning, Eliza! How's Meg's dress coming along? " She asked with a grin on her face, my eyebrow raised in confusion, she's usually begging not to go to school like any other day, but today, she's fully dressed thirty minutes earlier than usual and oddly in a great mood. "Morning, it's going along pretty well actually! Just cleaning up the dress before I hand it off to Meg for her to pack. " Amy swiftly walked to the table, picked up a piece of toast, and said, "Well I best be off, I have a quick errand to run before school. I'll see you when I get home! " I waved at her and told her to be safe while I continued to clean the dress of some stray cat hairs and thread clippings. 

Shortly after Amy had left for school, Beth walked downstairs and into the kitchen while rubbing her eyes. She was nearly half asleep and walking very slowly... "You're up early! " I said as I looked at the clock and noticed it was eight o'clock. With a smile, I  pushed the plate of toast towards her... Beth is somewhat known for waking up around half-past nine in the morning as opposed to the rest of the family at eight in the morning, and I at seven simply because I'm an early riser like my mother. "Not willingly I'm afraid... I tossed and turned all night. I just couldn't stop thinking of Marmee and Father, we haven't heard from them since Marmee left and I'm getting worried. " I nodded in understanding as she took a seat next to me and took a bite out of a slice of toast. Marmee didn't even send a letter telling us if she arrived alright or an update on Father... 

"I'm nervous about it too... But Jo did write a letter to Marmee a couple of days ago so we should hear back from them soon. " Beth solemnly nodded, she rubbed her eyes some more and realized what I was doing to the dress. Her eyes widened in surprise and said, "Eliza, the dress looks as good as new, I hardly recognize it! " "I hope Meg likes it as much as you do... She's quite particular about what she wears and I worry that she won't like what I've done with it. " I said with a sigh and Beth shook her head, "No, she will adore it, I just know it. " I nodded and continued to clean the last few thread clippings as she ate her toast in silence. 

Meg and Jo soon walked downstairs as they talked about the ball, Meg was particularly excited while Jo was talking about how boring it could be... I finally finished the dress cleaning and it was ready to be packed!

"Morning! " I said to the pair as Jo nodded and Meg walked over to me. "Eliza, is that my dress? " Meg asked in surprise, I nodded, held my breath, and prayed that she would tolerate it. "Oh my, I adore it! Oh, Jo, Beth, look at the bodice and the lace on the bottom! " She said as she touched and smiled in awe, I sighed in relief and noticed that Beth winked at me. "I can't wait to wear this tonight! And with my gloves and my hairpin, it will all go with each other so nicely! Oh, Eliza, I can't thank you enough! " Meg thanked me as she hugged tightly, I returned it and saw Jo pleasantly nod and give me a thumbs up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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