The Mind Flayers Children

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Eleven lay on a sofa. She twitched and turned and sweated. Mike watched her with worry and Will stood close by him.

"Do you think Nancy and Robin are fooling around?" Will asked.

"What? Eww gross. What happened to you?!" Mike said a look of horror on his face.

"Okay I was just wondering."

"Well don't"

Eleven suddenly screamed out loud. Her eyes were closed and lightbulbs started flashing.

"EL! EL!" Mike shook her and her veins began to turn purple and her eyes flew open, they were red and bloodshot filled with fear and hate.

"GET OFF ME!! STOPP!!! MIKE! MIKE!" Eleven screamed her head off. Whatever she could see it was causing her great pain.

"MIKE! MIKE!" She cried. Tears streaming down her face.

Will stepped back in horror and Mike held El down.

"ELEVEN!" Mike screamed in her ear and she was still.
She looked round. Her veins slowly disappearing and eyes returning to usual colour.

"He's coming." She said breathless.
Mike looked around at Will and Will felt the back of his neck tingle.

"She's right." He said aghast.

Cars headlights shinned into their window and Mike squinted his eyes to see the driver but it was impossible.

"NANCY!! JOHNATHAN!! STOP WHAT YOUR DOING AND GET DOWN HERE!" Mike screamed from the basement to upstairs.

The two thundered down the stairs and appeared. Both looking ruffled and Johnathan quickly rubbing off lipstick from his mouth.

"What? what is it?" Nancy looked from Will to Mike to a now sleeping El.

a car door slammed shut.

"are all the doors locked?" Mike asked urgently.

"Yes." Johnathan answered.



"Good because Billy is out there. just got out of his car and he's gonna kill us. and we need to burn him out of El. or she will become one of the Mind Flayers children!"  Will explained.

Nancy and Johnathan's faces turned from confusion into terror and shock.

"Where is Max?" Nancy asked.

"Well she went to the toilet." Will shrugged.

Just at that moment Max walked down the stairs carrying boxes of Eggos in her hands. They all stared at her intently and she looked from Nancy to Mike to Eleven.

"I've missed something haven't I?" She said. 

"Billy is outside in his car. He's gonna take control of El and make her kill us if we don't burn him out of her!" Will said.

They all gathered heaters and candles and radiators. And they moved Elevens bed right next to the fire.
They turned on each of the heaters and waited.

5 minutes later all of them were sweating and Elevens body had began to react. Her veins began to burn purple and she started to twitch.
But she hadn't woken up yet. A banging started on the front door and they all jumped in surprise.
Mike put the heat up full in a moment of panic as Billy was attempting to knock the door down.

"Max? Go shut and lock the basement door." Johnathan instructed.

Max did as she was told and also slid a metal wrench in the handle. And went back down the stairs.
Eleven then started to scream. Mike clamped his hand round her mouth just as they heard the door being flung open and footsteps sounding above them.
Nancy put a finger to her lips as Eleven writhed.

"I know your here..." they heard Billy's flayed voice say.

"You can't hide forever...."

Eleven took a shuddering breath through Mikes hand then fell silent. And a black mist slowly floated out of her mouth and nose and it crept away through the floor boards. Mike removed his hand and Eleven coughed violently.

"Mike..." she rasped and looked into his eyes. 

"Found you..." they heard Billy's voice outside the basement door and they all suddenly jumped up. Mike helped El to her feet and they stumbled towards the back door.
A bang echoed through the room. And the door began to crack. Will fumbled with the key to the back door in panic and dropped it. 

"Come on Will!" Johnathan said.

Will picked up the keys again and took a breath then plunged the key into the lock and turning it rapidly. They pushed open the door and ran to Johnathans car just as they heard the door crash and Billy walking down the basement stairs.

Johnathan unlocked the car and everyone jumped in. Mike carefully pushing Eleven through the car door.
Johnathan put the key into the ignition and turned it. The car roared into life and he began to drive away as Billy appeared in front of them.
He walked forward and then began to run. He jumped and fell onto the moving car.
Inside the car they all screamed at the sight of Billy on the windshield. Max looked into her brothers possessed eyes and they seemed to soften a little. Then he went into full rage and began to punch the glass between them and him.

"Johnathan.  Go!" Nancy screamed, "Johnathan!"

Johnathan slammed his foot on the excellarator and they zoomed forward. Crashing into a small tree and Billy flying from the car bonnet. Johnathan reversed and then turned the car around and drove off down the road.

The people in the car were calming down from their terrifying experience. Eleven was beginning to coming round to her senses and she slowly sat up.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Oh we had to get the mind flayer out of your body." Max explained.

Eleven looked at Max for a bit then said, "sorry. Where am I? Who are you?"


"'s us. Your friends?" Mike said worriedly.

"Mike!! Your here! Who are these people?" Eleven said relieved.

"You remember me?" Mike said confused. 

"Yes course I do! You saved me from the rain and made me waffles yesterday. And I met Hopper."

"That was 2 years ago..." Mike said.

"No. It was yesterday."

"Eleven you are my girlfriend and have been my girlfriend for the past year and a half."



"Well I don't remember it. Can you just take me home to Hopper."


"El. It's us your friends. I'm Will. Will Byers. I went missing remember?" Will tried.

"No." Eleven said and sat close to Mike rather scared of everyone around her.

"I want to go home." Eleven cried out.

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