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Eleven sat cross legged in the middle of the floor. a scarf tied round her eyes. Mike sat next to her and Eleven could feel the comfort of him. 

They all watched intrigued waiting to see what would happen. 

"Come on Eight where are you..." Eleven whispered. 

she saw clouds of mist. and nothing else. she pictured her sister in her mind and felt the warm blood trickle down her lip. she saw something. a flicker of light. she walked towards it and realised it was a fire. figures came into view and she recognised them as Eights friends. 

Eleven stepped closer and tried to hear what they said. 

"When is Kali going to get here?" one said. 

"I don't know! shes probably dead. or looking for that girl that came in the other week." said another. 

"Oh you mean her 'sister'?" and they all laughed. 

Eleven rolled her eyes and carried on walking. 

then she saw her. 


she sat on a old blue car. it was raining. she breathed slowly. and this was obviously her moment of peace. 

"Kali..." El whispered. the girls head snapped round and she opened her eyes. 

"Who's there?" she said scared. 

"Its me. Jane. i'm in your mind." 

"Jane." Kali said uncertainly. 

"Yes. i need your help. I've lost my memory apparently we need you to sneek us into a heavily guarded Laboratory." Eleven tried to explain. 

"What? How do you remember me then?"

"I dont know."

"How did you loose your memory in the first place?"

"According to this girl called Max i was 'Flayed by a Mind Flayer'" 

"What does that mean?" Kali asked. 

"I don't know. i think she made it up." 

Mike and the others were hearing Eleven's side of the conversation. Max looked hurt that her best friend thought she would make something up like that. 

Eleven spoke again, "I don't trust the people im with Kali. i know Mike. he's my boyfriend. but the others seem pretty strange." 

a pause. 

"Kali can you help please..." 

"Okay Jane, whatever. but look just this once okay?" 

"Yes. i'll tell you where we are once we get there."

" Why don't we just meet at the Laboratory?" Kali said.

"Okay. but your not going to like it." Eleven said.

"Why not?"

"Because its Hawkins Lab. Papa was there..." Eleven said slowly. 

"No. i can't go there. not again Jane."

"You have to help me get what i lost Kali!"

"He tortured us Jane!"

"He did?" Eleven said confused. 

"Seriously? you don't remember that part?!" Kali said loudly. 

"Sorry. no." 

Eleven started to scream. she saw her Papa coming towards her. he held out a hand. 

"its okay Eleven. don't be afraid." he voice was distant and it echoed through her mind. 

"No. leave me alone! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Eleven screamed and she grabbed Mike's hand in fear. 

"Come on Eleven. theres nothing to be scared of." he said. 

"No! No! KALI GET OUT OF MY MIND!" Eleven screamed as she realised. 

Her Papa disappeared. 

"I'll help you." Kali said before she disappeared just like Papa did. 

Eleven grabbed the scarf from around her head then threw it across the room. the lights had smashed during her screaming and everyone was staring at her like they'd seen a ghost.

Eleven fell into Mike and she cried into his shoulder. 

"Mike don't make me do that again." she whimpered. 

Mike hugged her back to comfort her and said, "Okay. shh. i won't."  

Once Eleven had calmed down she explained the plan and what would happen.

"So Kali can make us invisible. they we just walk through the doors?" Nancy asked. 

"Maybe. she can't make us invisible exactly. but ive seen her do it before. its like she erases out physical form from the viewers mind." Eleven explained. 

"Right. and we are going to meet her at Hawkins creepy Lab." Will said. 

"You know we could use your new friend with the powers." Max said, still offended by what El said. 

"Who?" Eleven asked. 

"You know, Charley, Three? your 'sister'?" Max continued. 

"I'm sorry i don't know what your talking about." Eleven almost laughs. 

"Okay lets get her anyways. Three i mean." Will said. 

they left saying thank you's and goodbye's to Murray and Alexei. 

and began to put their plan into action. 

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