terror at Starcourt Mall

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"So you went out of Hawkins without telling me. and then went into  dangerous situation on your own." Hopper said as he drove the car.

"Well she wasn't on her own she had us." Max said.

"All of you are kids!" Hopper replied angrily.

"Sir I'm-"

"Shut up Harrington! Eleven you put everyone in danger! and you brought back three injured children! you know how that looks?"

"Yes but-"

"I can't believe this."


"Eleven keep your mouth shut."

"CHARLEY IS LIKE ME!" Eleven screamed in frustration. the car swayed and everyone jumped. a tree fell down behind them crashing into the road.

"W-what?" Hopper asked.

"She can do stuff. she has abilities like i do."

at that moment a phone began to ring. Steve fumbled for a second then pulled it from his pocket.



"Robin? decided to use my real name instead of Dingus?" Steve says surprised.

"Help me Steve. I'm in trouble!"

"Robin! Where are you?" Steve said urgently.

"Starcourt! But it doesn't look the same. no one's here. its all gross and i'm finding it hard to breathe."  Robin's voice shook down the phone, then the line cut off.

"Robin? Robin!" Steve panicked.

"Oh no. your friend Robin? shes in the upside down."  Eleven said.

Hopper almost crashed the car, "I thought you closed it! i was there! i saw the gate close!"

"Yep but someones gone and opened it." Eleven said everyone's face whitened and will looked more scared than ever.

they drove to starcourt everyone getting even more terrified every few minutes.

Hopper parked the car and they all hopped out. they ran inside and Steve sprinted towards the ice cream shop Scoops Ahoy.

"Robin! Robin you here?" Steve shouted in the shop.

"Okay Steve i'm pretty sure shes not going to be hiding in a ice cream cone." Lucas said.

"This is serious!"

"Okay. i can contact her. she's standing right where we are i just need to use the phone." Eleven said.

she walked over to the shops phone and dialed 000. it began to ring.

Robin looked around and climbed out from underneath the table. the phone began to ring and she ran over to pick it up.

"Hello?" she shuddered.

"Is this Robin Buckley?"  a voice she didn't recognise said.


"Okay my names Eleven. im here with Steve and Dustin. we are gonna get you out."

" okay. first where am i? because it looks like Hawkins but its not." Robin asked, she then heard a loud roar, "What was that?"

"That  was a Demogorgan. it transported you into the upside down which is where you are now. the Demogorgans will try and kill you so stay away from them."  Eleven explained quickly.

"WHAT?!" Robin shouted in disbelief.

"look i'm going to get you out but you have to hide now!" Eleven's panicked voice said.

"Okay im going, but please hurry!" Robin cried then dropped the phone and ran to the back door of the ice cream shop.

Eleven placed the phone down then looked at the others.

"Okay. we need to open a gate." she said and got looks of horror and surprise in return.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Lucas shrieked.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Steve shouted.

"Look Steve do you wanna save your girlfriend or not?" Eleven said annoyed.

"S-she's not my girlfriend..."

"Oh okay then friend with benefits?" Mike laughed.

"NO! She is my best friend and i don't want her to die!" Steve shouted loudly.

"Ah well I need to open the gate in here. Maybe in the clothes store?" Eleven suggested.

"Okay let's go!" Max cried and ran off towards the clothes shop Macy's.

They followed her less eagerly and once they got there they began bashing away at the wall.
No one heard them, partly because today the Mall was closed due to the last incident involving the Mind Flayer.

They attacked the wall with anything they could. Throwing chairs, punching it and finally all hauling a table over and Eleven chucking it and it hit the wall with a loud thunderous crash. A crack spread through the paint work and thin wall.

"Okay that's good. I need some cloth now." Eleven said and began to search the store.

"El! Here. You can use this!" Max said and gave Eleven a knee high sock that had been knocked to the ground.

El took it and sat cross legged on the floor. She tied the sock around her head and looked at the wall. She was in darkness. She saw the wall in her mind and began to use her powers to pull it apart.
The wall began to break and the gate began to appear. She knew the others saw it because of there gasps.

She had to make it bigger. She stretched her hands out in front of her and used all her power to widen the gap. She felt her blood drip down past her lip as the gate finished growing.

She pulled off the blindfold and looked horribly at her creation.

"Okay. I'll go in. Let's do this quickly." El said as she turned to the others.

"No!" Mike said to her, "it's far to dangerous. Someone needs to go with you!"

"Fine. Errr Johnathan wanna come?" El asked him.

"Not really. Let Steve go. He knows who he's looking for." Johnathan said as he clutched Nancy's side.

"Fine I'll go. Come on El." Steve moaned as he lugged his bat over his shoulder and walked through the gate. Eleven followed with a last look at Mike then disappeared.

"Holy Shit!" Steve said as he saw the Upside Down.

"Yeah. Welcome." Eleven rolled her eyes as she walked forward and made her way out of the upside down version of Macy's.

They made their way towards scoops ahoy. Looking out for Robin. Steve suddenly pulled Eleven behind a plant pot.

"What?!" She whispered. 

"Look!" Steve pointed at the demodogs that were guarding Scoops Ahoy.

"Okay. New plan. Follow me." Steve said and walked away. She followed and they went to another shop. This time it was Kauffmans shoes.

Steve went through a back door and walked towards the back of the ice cream shop.

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