'friends don't lie'

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Eleven pulled the scarf from around her head. tears flowed down her cheeks and she wiped the blood pouring from her nose. 

"Eleven?" are you okay?" Max walked up to her in the rain her yellow coat flapping behind her. 

Eleven pulled her coat on and walked inside. Max followed quietly. Eleven opened a door to one of the classes and looked at Dustin and Lucas. 

"Well Eleven. Max so nice of you to join us. please sit down as you are already late." Mrs Brighton said. 

"Lucas. Dustin. i need to talk with you." Eleven said ignoring the teacher. 

"Ms Hopper sit down and you Maxine." said the teacher sternly, she was ignored again. 

Dustin grabbed his bag and walked out followed closely by Lucas. 

"Boys! Return to your seats!" 

"Mouth-Breather." said Eleven then slammed the classroom door. 

"El! this better be important! that was maths and i needed to do a test!" Dustin cried. 

"What classroom is Will in?" Eleven asked. 

"Er room 12B but can't you explain anything?" Lucas said. 


they opened the door to 12B and Eleven gave Will a look. he got up immediately and left with the teacher calling his name as he closed the door. 

they followed her to the studio behind Mr clarke's classroom. 

"Mike's in trouble. And Nancy. we have to help them." Eleven explained. 

"Really? can't we just have one normal day without risking our lives?" Lucas moaned. 

"Lucas! they are our friends!" Max argued, "El where are they?" 

Eleven grabbed a map from a shelf and placed it on a wooden table in the centre of the room. it was a map of Hawkins and the surrounding area. 

"They are just outside Hawkins. it was an address that Mike gave me. something along the lines of Tumbleworth Avenue." Eleven said pointing at a spot on the map. 

"Where's the nearest phone?" Will piped up. everyone looked at him. 

"Why?" Dustin asked. 

"to call Johnathan." Will replied. when no one was getting the message he finished, "We need someone to drive us!" 

"Okay. Will you find a phone and contact Johnathan. tell him to meet us out the back of the school. Dustin, Lucas. you go to medical. say you both feel sick and get them to allow you to go home. then meet me and Eleven out the back with Will." Max explained. 

"Wait why do we have to go to medical?" Lucas complained. Max gave him a look and he and Dustin trudged off slowly. 

Will ran to the front desk and asked urgently if he could cal someone. 

"Mr Byers. shouldn't you be in lesson?" said Mrs Marks the desk clerk. 

"Er my teacher let me out!" Will invented. Mrs Marks handed over the phone with raised eyebrows. Will dialed the home number. no answer. he then dialed the number of Johnathan's school. a lady replied.

"Hello Hawkins High School." she said politely. 

"H-Hi. i need to speak to Johnathan Byers please." will said importantly. 

"Who are you?"

Will's voice became deeper as he improvised, "Er. hello there i'm Jim Hopper. police." 

"Oh! i'll just get Johnathan right away sir."

there was a bit of fumbling then a crackle and Will was relieved to hear his older brothers voice. 

"Hello. Johnathan Byers speaking."

"Johnathan!" Will cried. 


"we need help! Nancy is i trouble! and mike! we need you to drive us somewhere." will replied urgently. 

"Nancy!? is she okay?"

"I think so. El saw her and Mike with her mind thingy she does! but i have a bad feeling that if we don't go now something worse will happen!" 

Will heard the hung up tone and gave the phone quickly back to the receptionist. 

"T-thank you!" he cried to her as he ran from the school. 

"Will! is Johnathan coming?" Max said as she saw him running up to her and Eleven. 

Will nodded and bent double, catching his breath, "Where's the others?" 

"I dunno whats taking them so long." Max shrugged her shoulders. 

El was sitting on the wet ground. eyes closed blood slowly trickling down her lip. she shuddered and then stood up wiping the blood carelessly with her sleeve. 

"We need to move. now." she said over the rainfall. 

A car pulled up and parked in front of them. there were tinted windows and you couldn't see inside. the three looked at each other and walked cautiously over to the vehicle. the window slowly slipped down to reveal Johnathan's face as well as Steve, who had a bat with nails stuck in it by his feet. 

"Are you guys getting in or what?" He said. 

the three flung open the car door and piled inside. just as they were about to close them two figures ran up to them in the rain. 

"Guys! wait don't leave without us!" Dustin shouted at them. 

"What took you so long?" Will said angrily as the other two closed the car door behind them. 

"Sorry. the lady wanted our Medical information.then this dipshit needed a piss." Dustin replied. as Johnathan drove away. 

"So where are we going?" Johnathan asked. 

"Tumbleworth Avenue. and hurry." Eleven replied as she looked out the window. 

"Got it." he said and they were off at full speed leaving Hawkins. 

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