[6 - Dude Is Everywhere]

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^ Listen to this masterpiece.
Then read the chapter.

Happy Christmas and A Happy New Year y'all.
Time goes really fast.
I still remember giving out my Christmas presents to my cousins back in 2019.

I hope 2021 ain't as shit as 2019 and 2020.

"What in God's name are you doing here ?"


I realised one thing by the end of this week.

Every man I meet or have an interest on is fucking gay.

Namjoon and Jin is gay,

There's something going on with Tae and Jimin,

Hoseok .. I don't really know.. since I only met up with him like once.

Jungkook, he's afraid of girls but calls himself International playboy.

And my bisexual ass even tried hitting up with Haerin but no she had to be straight and have a boyfriend,

Jackson Wang.

She said they met at a party he threw.
And she never lets him throw parties anymore because of some stupid reason- what if he finds another girl just like how he found Haerin?

Dumbass Haerin.

And now, Yoongi.

Wait why would I even think of Yoongi ?
Im not interested in him.

Or are they saying that they're gay only to get rid of me ?

But why ?
Why would they get rid of me when I'm such a beautiful person in and out.

Sure I have a resting bitch face which is a little bitchy..
Well a whole lot bitchy.

But underneath all that I'm all fluffy.


And now I was sitting in a park with my Caramel Macchiato waiting for a specific coconut head.

You might know his name.

Yeah that's the one.

I heard a shout.

I waved my hands up in the air.

"Noona I'm sorry I was late"
He said, his hands to his knees while panting.

"So where are we going ?"
I jumped from the bench while he squinted his eyes at me.

"Don't you have to get ready ?"


"You're going like this ?
Sis you better be joking"

"What's wrong with this ?
Its formal."

I was wearing my work clothes.

"It's too formal.
We have to change your dress."

What ?

"We're going back to your apartment.
We're gonna change you into something more casual and sexy."


"And you stink too."
That was the last thing he said before he took my hand and started walking to my house.


"Nuh uh"

"No no"

"Uhh not this"

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