[3 - Angel Who Spilt Coffee]

220 31 208

Candy Shop - Suga FMV
Damn this mf really be playin with ma biaslist.

"Noona I'm sorry"
"How many time would you say this my boy ?"


~~ Time skip to one week because the duality of Jeon Jungkook is out of this world ~~

I did three things this week.

1. Work

2. Work

3. Work

Yo, its really hard being an adult.
A working adult to be exact.

Even though I worked all week,
I made some new friends at my floor.

Actually not friends..

They came to me and asked me whether Mr. Min was single or not.

Just because I'm his assistant doesn't mean that I'd know everything about him.

I'm really close with Haerin, Jin, Taehyung and Jimin.

Also, I came to know that Jin and Taehyung are cousins.


Jin is the guy of dad jokes,
Its never really that funny but we laugh when we hear his windshield wiper laugh.

His name is perfect for him
Kim SeokJin.

A valuable gift, a treasure.

Even though he never wastes any chance to fun of Tae and Jiminie,
he loves them like his dongsaengs.

Y'all I'm telling you,
He's a perfect boyfriend material.

I sometimes wish I could date him but the man is openly gay.
I hope he finds someone amazing.


Taehyung is goofy but boy knows
when to be serious.

He is cheerful and always ready to do stuff unlike me who'd even give up the thought of eating if I have to walk to the kitchen to get the stuff.

He is a big flirt but he says that he is a good boy but we all know its the biggest lie after One Direction said they'll be back after 18 months.

He is so proud of his elephant in his hand. His boxy smile is a sight to see.

I don't know how to say this but

Taehyung is so.... taehyung.
And I love that.


As for Jimin,
We hit it off right away.
We're both protective of each other in a way.
I don't know but we both feels like we need to protect each other.

Sometimes I wish he was my long lost twin brother.
Oh but that'd never happen.

LOL in a painful way

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