Ch3:keeping secrets

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    Few days later...

"Wait, you're telling me that someone secretly loves Armadyaln?"

-Swanella: Yep!

-Owlette: Exactly^^

-Gekko: Oh? But who could it be?

-Aquafish: I dunno, but it is romantic

-Catboy: But wait, what if it's a trick from a villain?

-Owlette: Oh? You think?

-Catboy: Better make sure, Owlette, you still have this letter?

Owlette: Eh... sure, here *give him the letter*

-PJ Robot: I'm gonna scan it *grab the letter*

   After a couple of minutes scanning, PJ Robot turn to them "you guys won't believe that! It's a letter from Rip!"

-Catboy: Rip? Rip the Wolfy?

-PJ Robot: Yeah!

-Gekko: WHAT!?

-Aquafish: Rip is in love with Armadylan? I like it^^

-Swanella: Awwww! This is so romantic

-Gekko: But wait... What if the Wolfies tries to trick him? 

-Swanella: With love letters? No way!

-Catboy: I dunno for that, but we should keep an eye on them in case it happens

-PJ Robot: But should we tell Armadylan about that?

-Aquafish: No! That'll ruin the pleasure of it. Let's keep it a secret until he finds out by himself

-Swanella: Good idea Aquafish^^

     Meanwhile, with the Wolfies, Rip cheered after she read a letter of her armadillo hero. It's been few days that the two were sendind and reading each other's letters and now she's reading one of his letters.

-Rip: Woaw! He's so sweet! I never knew that he likes puppies! Awwww I dunno wha's wrong with me but I love this!!!

-Kevin: Rip? You okay sis?

-Rip: *blush* Kevin!? I... I can explain

-Kevin: What's with all these papers?

-Rip: Eh... Can you promess me to keep a secret?

-Kevin: Sure^^

-Rip: Okay then. Do you remember Armadylan?

-Kevin: The goofy tought boy who can roll and break stuff? Yeah why?

-Rip: I... I think I'm in love with him

-Kevin: You- Woaw! Really?!

-Rip: Yeah... But I'm too shy to tell him

-Kevin: I know what you feel, I have same feelings toward Motsuki

-Rip: Really? Since when?

-Kevin: I don't remember exactly, but she's so cute with her big pink eyes, her squeaky voice, her beatiful wings... I can't stop thinking abut her either >///<

-Rip: Oh *chuckles* So guess that we're in the same boat lil bro

-Kevin: Yeah^^

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