Ch4: Naughty moat girl

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One night, Amadylan was at the park near the moat writting another letter...

-Armadylan: Mmmmh.... What can I write this time...?

- "Why hello there thought boy?" called a female voice from the moat

-Armadylan: Huh? Oh hi Octobella...

-Octobella: How are you doing tonight? Still goofing around?

-Armadylan: Nope! I'm not a goof, I'm a strong hero who helps the PJs to make sure no villains like you are around!

-Octobella: You a hero? *laugh* How funny! You're not even a member of these PJ Pests team since you got reapleaced by the fish girl who's a better hero than you goofball

-Armadylan: Hey! I am a hero. *show her Rip's letter* And to prouve it, I even have a secret fan that writtes me letters. She likes how brave and strong I am so that's why she's sending me letters and I'm responding her!

-Octobella: Oh? Letters huh? .......

-Armadylan: Now if you excuse me, I don't have time to waiste with you tentacule girl! See ya *he rolls away dropping the letter he showed her*

-Octobella: *grab the paper* Mmmmh.... A letter for this armadillo boy.... That gives me an idea. A squiggly idea! *evil laught*

   She jumps in the moat and swims back to her garden

  to be continued...

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