chapter 21:

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Don't own anything

One more chapter to go (or two chapters because i done part 1 & 2)

Author pov:

Perrine & slat shooting the neuroi

Perrine & slat shooting the neuroi

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(Episode 11)

Long caster: << enemy neutralize nice work major sakamoto >>

Slat noticed she almost lost her speed. He used the shinden 2's nose to nudge her to catch her speed. She tell him thank you, minna saw this she knew what is going to happen. At night mio herself knew one thing.

Her magic is fading.


Slat went to check his wife mio then he felt something strange he jogged to the door seeing yoshika wielding her sword tremendous amount of magic was displayed.

She collapsed slat was gonna catch her mio is there to catch her.

Slat: your sword mio


Slat took off on his f15e mio in the passenger seat wearing a oxygen helmet, trigger took destroyer's f14d tomcat minna on the passenger seat too.

Strider team new 7th member erusean ace named slaughterhouse. His past history is unknown he pilots the su57 felon with pulse lasers.

He met sanya & eila ever since the appearance of the brave witches. Lets just say they (he's young like her) starting going out eila allows it.


Mio slat minna trigger stood attention to the allied leaders of their world & strangeral world talking about there final assault.

To trigger's understanding they upgraded the yamato with neuroi technology & this they got it under control, its like a old fashioned arsenal bird without the drones Just shells.

" you guys never learn do you. If high roller was alive he'll be putting money on our survival "

Trigger: calling my fiance tender age huh💢💢💢💢

They flinched

Minna: trigger?

Osean president: why do you guys like to talk trash

Trigger walked towards them.

Trigger: i don't like you guys at all. Treating military women as if there just sex figures when they can do extraordinary things this is the reason why you assholes are still alive otherwise they not around your stupidity will get the entire human race destroyed. You better hope your battleship worked if not .... I'm going to destroyed sorry major thanks to their dumb plan.......

Osean president & princess of erusea got up from their seat & walked off as trigger inhumanly lifts long large desk like superman & threw it outside.

Trigger: say something fucking harsh to my minna one more time

Minna blushing that he stood up for her. They said sorry to the two witch aces Slat was not happy either.

Trigger: lets go

Slat: one more thing gentlemen. I was gonna say stick with trigger you make it but his war time is over. Some day another ace will come he passes the torch to the said ace for all we know it could be a female. Stick with minna & you make it she leads the way

Enjoy Later

strike witches: skies unknown vol 2 Reboot CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now