chapter 15:

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Don't own anything

Slat pov:

Engineers is checking on yoshika's striker as he explains me & mio my wife.

Mio: i see so there's no problems on her stryker unit

She walked passed me so i followed suit

Mio: so the problem's its herself

Slat: her magic runs on emotions?!

She giggled & pecked me in the cheek

Slat: to you its something like that dear

While slat stands outside while the nurses checking on yoshika.

Mio: what are two of you doing there?

Slat: the hell?

Mio: yoshika's clothes are darling you can come in

Slat came in. Lynette & perrine came out of hiding checking if she's okay.

Trude: if that's the case its all the more upsetting

Trude standing there

Slat: jeez cap you like a ninja

Destroyer: trude.....

Trude: listen dear. We can't risk it till we get more information

Destroyer: i understand that could you said it more nicer😅. * turns to miyafuji * phoenix's plane's nose cam shows your striker. Just remain at base okay

She smiled

Yoshika: arigato oni chan

She walked away

Slat: she calling you oni chan?!

Trude: yeah she looks like chris since were going out she calls him that

Destroyer: still * flicked his girlfriend by the left cheek * could have said it nicer😐

Mio thought: aren't they a cute soon to be married couple

Timeskip author pov:

destroyer on overnight flight duty flying round the base this time no rock music playing. He heard yoshika on the mic he tilted his nosferatu to the left seeing yoshika crying on the broomstick. Trying to fly..

Lynnette came he listen to the chat. They looked up at him while he fly with grace & little bit of fear, (full moon says everything about the undying) his memories started coming up.

strike witches: skies unknown vol 2 Reboot CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now