omake chapter:

122 2 2

Don't own anything:

Trude pov:

Trude: do you remember anything about your past

Destroyer: no only i remember is i'm fron ustio

Trude: i see

Destroyer: whats eating you?

I have never seen such cruelty. He had the highest killcount they were jealous. Hatred jealousy to a point they almost killed him. Karsland pilot we called that a absolute no no.

(Theme starts playing)

Trude: memory loss

Destroyer: huh?

Trude: no matter how you lived the pain you kept going you even had brownie as a girlfriend back then way before she died. Yet you have a smile on your face. They gave you a nicknamed known for your relentless killing spree destroying anything in sight no matter the mission

Destroyer: where is this coming from😅. What the hell did you watch?

I turned around started crying.

Trude: i'm sorry for ... What they did to you made you a.... Monster so you can live .... Your a android with expanded life pain you a half android

Destroyer eyes went wide heart started pounding

Destroyer: your making this ........ Up are you


He stood there in silent then he too started crying he remembered now he collapsed. I embraced him.

Trude: now you remember.

Destroyer: why are you telling me this ......... All i remember is ....

Trude: like mister x osea has their own experimental squadron. Its you, you were classified callsign whiplash 1. They gave you ... The name destroyer. When osea & eruea satellites destroyed you where assigned as rapid response in case LRSSG 124th went missing your the backup. You carried out missions like how a robot should i don't like that side of you but you did save osean federation after all

I hugged him as he started crying. HAlf human machine bearly know of his past due to suspended animation. They saw his potential.

Trude: i promise when all this over ..... I'll marry you i don't care if i die an old age while you live on .. * my sentence was cut as he kissed me *

Destroyer: thank you ... (Sniff) thank you so much...

Author pov:

Trigger & minna heard the whole thing they walked away.

Minna: you okay darling?

Trigger: yeah.....

They retire for the night.

So basically destroyer is like similar to robocop & rena hirose

Destroyer's cfa nosferatu's new systems are somewhat similar to night raven. It has yet show its full capabilities.

What you think of his story


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