chapter 5:

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Don't own anything

Trigger pov:

I leaned against a wall of a shed that girls's strikers are inside. Miss anna gave them broomsticks to fly over there some ruin place to gather water for dinner tonight.

My raptor is parked at a streight line & i have remote on my i watch to scramjet ready.

As they get ready to fly off with their brooms ....... Should i go further saying that... Yeah to you readers its " confused sirens " i looked the other way so minna won't kick my ass for looking.

Ms anna clapped their hands They all fell off their brooms that suck😅.

Anna: you wanna know why you can't fly your balanced because these puppies are way too big * groped Lynette's rack *

Lynette: WHA...😫


Anna flew up high in the sky very high up. I don't get it😅, old witch came back large metal can of water.

Trigger: i take it you know major sakamoto

Anna: yes i know her. Still i didn't think she got hitched with slat

Trigger: how did you ....

Anna: young man i was there. You passed out your not a heavy drinker

Trigger: oh yeah ......

Witches are born in a old fashion way broomsticks who to thought. At night they slept. I sat inside my cockpit listening to a rock song lowered a volume.


I catched Lynette bridal carry right before she falls off the broom.

Lynette: thanks trigger

I put her down

Trigger: don't mention it

Ms anna & i stood in front of the three anna lecturing i turned my head ahead away because as i said before to you readers " confused sirens ". Their magical energy sky rocketed incredable.

Minna pov:

I was heading to lunch glancing where Destroyer is done flying i felt it again. He looked up where 3 witches went his eye color changed red again. Just what are you he went back to lunch too.

Back to trigger pov:

Trigger: they did it good job you three

Just in case neuroi showed up i took off PSM i flew beside miss anna. Miss anna looked on her face was covering her ears from the loud roar of the engine.


My head face the table they were no neuroi to shoot but anyways. We ate at dinner.

Timeskip author pov:

Neuroi detected strider 2 trude apex predator took off trude was giving orders to destroyer carefully.

Trude: minna i don't see anything wrong with my beloved

Minna: << keep a close eye on him something is strange going on his eyes turned red today then jt turned back its normal color >>



They avoided neuroi lasers at the early time. Destroyer firing admms trigger dodging lasers noticing micro missiles hitting the target.

Trigger: << about time >>

Trude wasn't ordered to assist them but observed destroyer. His reaction time is spot on right out the bat, however like minna she too sensed something.

She see red aura from the plane.

Trude thought: what is that?

3 girls trigger & Destroyer annihilated it. Anna on the ground smiled but she too felt a stronger energy she looked up at cfa 44 nosferatu red glow outlined the plane has faited away.

Destroyer: << another day at the office. However that thing blew up something on that island >>

Trigger: << long story strider 2. Long story >>

Theme ends epilogue:

Minna: You sensed it too?!

Anna: " i saw something on his plane emitting a red glow outlined the nosferatu. This destroyer fella is no witch but something else entirely "

Trude: please don't tell me....

Mio: no he's not one of them i sensed it myself

Trigger: whats going on with my wingman that you three all spooked about. Apex predator saw his changed after getting back from the night mission 1 year ago

Minna: oh. I wanna ask him some questions you don't mind?

Trigger: yep

No spoilers confirmed omake chapter regarding minna's questions about destroyer.


strike witches: skies unknown vol 2 Reboot CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now