chapter 22:

84 2 0

Don't own anything

(Theme starts playing)

501st 118th & 124th are here present hanna too. All fleet from both worlds come together (& lot of surprises too for spoilers ahead)

Trigger: ladies. I know this is too much but you got us we can make it through

Destroyer: us as LRSSG is ending the war quickly as possible despite the odds against us

Apex predator: with mister x back in the saddle again

Mobius 1: i too am here for all of you

Boomer: same here & Hanna too

Hanna giggled

Phoenix: i concur

Slaughterhouse: i may be new at the last minute. But i'm with you till the end

Slat: mio don't worry about it just pray. If it makes you feel better i can lend you my shinden 2 you have trained on flight simulations

Long caster: just got off the phone with cyclops squadron there in

Theme ends Timeskip:

(Just the hanger scene only different)

Strider team begin start up the jets trude & destroying good luck kissing. Then he jumps on the cfa 44 nosferatu. Girls launched first lrssg 118th launched second.

Flew over the two ships.

Count: << yo dumbass >>

Trigger: << count been a while >>

Huxian: << nice see you again 501st >>

Trude: huxian!?

Explosions heard ahead of their direction.

Trigger: << they started fight without us old & new planes against neuroi MQ - 101s

(9:57 - 10:17 only)

P51 mustang pilot: << thanks i owe you >>

strike witches: skies unknown vol 2 Reboot CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now