Days a Week but not a Month

856 20 19

Haruhi's Point of View:

After (Y/N) asked for directions for the music hall we parted ways. I felt a bit bad for asking her to come, she doesn't really know what she's walking into. I sighed and finished packing up my things and followed the twins to the music room, while they went on talking about their next prank I heard a loud noise echo through the hallway. We entered the room and saw all the other hosts getting ready for our guests.

Tamaki of course was running towards me with his arms ready to give me a hug, he came charging at me until I took a step to the side, making him ram into the door. This is the 7th time... he never learns his lesson. The twins started to laugh their heads off, when they stopped Hikaru put his arm around me on the left while Karou put his arm around me on the right. "Haruhi we see you gained a new buddy apart from us!" "What was his name again?" They said as they started to walk away leaving Tamaki injured on the ground.

"Yeah I made a new friend apart from you guys, and if you have forgotten he is a she" I blankly said as I tugged away from their grip to make commoners coffee. "Okay, okay, we forgot she didn't really talk today" they said with a shrug and went to get their table ready. Tamaki made a quick recovery and ran towards me finally giving me a hug, "oooohhh my sweet little daughter has made a new friend! Want a sticker?" I pushed him away then smacked the sticker from his hand.

I was about to make the coffee until I felt the floor vibrate and the loud noise from before again, I wasn't the only one who heard it this time. We all poked our heads outside to see some students enter the music hall, then I remembered about (Y/N). Before I could tell them Kyoya pushed his glasses up saying "(Y/N) is auditioning to join the music club."

Within a instant Kyoya brought out 4 black hoodies, "if you guys want to go see go, and if you want a 'disguise' here" and with that he continued to write in his notepad like always. The twins were the first to take two hoodies, though took another and threw it to me. "She's your friend right? Let's go cheer her on!" Hikaru said as Honey and Tamaki fought over for the last hoodie. Honey kept whining "I WANNA SEE (Y/N)-CHAN SING!!!" Though Tamaki simply continued to saying "AS THE KING OF THE CLUB I SHOULD BE THE REPRESENTATIVE! ANYWAY I CANT LET MY SWEET DAUGHTER TO BE LEFT WITH THOSE SHADY TWINS!"

There was no time to waste she could end any minute now. "Hey... daddy..." A shiver ran down my spine as I said that, though it got his attention. "If you are the king...the prince with shining armour... Shouldn't you stay here to guard and protect the coming princesses?" He smiled and sat in his chair with a pose, that was easy.

The twins, Honey and I said good bye and headed to the music hall, it turns out we weren't late at all, she was only up to the first chorus. She was amazing! She played the Rock Guitar and sang at the same time, it looks natural and like she's enjoying herself...

Hikaru's Perspective:

We watched as the new girl audition, the crowd was wild and I saw that Karou, Honey and even Haruhi were smiling having a good time. When she finished she was puffing, like she was loosing breath. She dropped the guitar in a orderly matter, smiled and looked down.

Adamaris, Nabila, and Tapiwa agreed to let (Y/N) join and handed her a paper. She winked and smiled at the crowd making the girls and boys go crazy, sound the alarm we found a natural playboy. Though she looked at us making me jump, I grabbed Karou's hand and dragged him out as Karou held Haruhi's hand and Haruhi grabbed Honey.

We decided to go the long way to the club, we don't want (Y/N) to bump into us. I was thinking about the performance until Karou tapped my shoulder. "Are you alright Hikaru?" He asked, I smiled and nodded "I'm okay, why?" He looked the other way and then back at me with a smile on his face, "because your blushing!"

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