A Turn of Events

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Hey guys!
Before the story begins I would like to ask those who haven't watched Ouran High School Host Club to watch NOW!!!
It is a anime based in a rich private school.
I recommend to watch the series for a better understanding of the characters in the host club and some small jokes here and there from the show (and because it is really funny and awesome :3).

Anyway I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Say Flabbatastic! If you read this and if you watched or have finally watched the show tell me the name of Honey's Brother!
I cheer for season two! Cheer for season two too~!

(Y/N)'s Point Of View

The room shone of gold and silver as a strip of red carpet ran through the centre of the room. A grand crystal like chandelier hanged from the high ceiling, it sparkled as it made a pleasant dangling sound when the doors opened. Tables were covered by two red and white cloths and mouth watering food, and there was a massive staircase on the other side of the room that splits to two sides to a second level.
People of different ages were scattered around the room. Gentlemen wore suits of black, grey or a rusty red, while the women wore elegant dress of different colours.

I have never seen anything like this!.... and to think that this is for me? I turned around and saw a small reflection of myself from the window. Green Hoody, white shirt, jeans, hat and a headset.. what a way to ruin the mood, well at least I'm not wearing those heavy dresses. I smiled at the thought and turned towards the chairman, "thank you sir, I really appreciate the thought."

"Do not thank me yet" he said as he signalled two maids from before to come. I felt a bit uneasy and decided to start walking away until the two maids grabbed my arms and started to drag me and run upstairs, we reached the room in a instant, are they like sonic or something?

They let go of their grip and I fell down, I adjusted my hat, both maids blocked the doorway. I turned around to see that I was in someones bedroom and saw a dress laid out on the bed. The dress was pink and had those puffed shoulder pads, it all so had long gloves and high heels. "No way! I'm not going to wear that pink dress of humiliation" I said as I tried to exit out the door, though they pushed me and I fell back. The maid on the right tried to convince me with "but it would look cute on you!" "Trust us!" the other maid said to finish off.

I looked down at the grand room between the gap of the two heads, I have an idea! I leaned forward and whispered the idea in their ears. When I leaned back they both looked at me. "But...." they said as I looked at them with puppy dog eyes, "please?" They turned to each other and nodded, you smiled but before they left they pinched your cheeks. "Are you sure?!?" "Cause with that face you will be adorable!"
You slapped their hands and pointed at the door, they giggled and walked off.

Man I'm tired with people bossing me around, is this normal around here? They came back a few minutes later with a black suit. "This was the young masters suit before" one said as the other gave me the suit. "Thanks, sorry if finding one troubled you" I said as they slowly closed the door as I started to change. When I was putting the suit on I thought 'young master? Is this the chairmans?' After changing i folded my clothes and placed my hat on like usual.

I knocked on the door and the maids opened it and stared at me. "Thank you again, for everything! I think you guys would look great in gowns too!" I said as I smiled and performed a small bow, I lost balance and ended up kneeling down and looking up at them. They both blushed and stuttered "your welcome" as I exited the room.

I walked down the stair case and noticed that people were looking at me, I looked at myself and thought 'did I do something wrong?' I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw that the chairman was waiting for me. He then asked me "why are you wearing a suit? There was a dress ready for you upstairs." "I don't wear dresses" you replied. He smiled, "well I'll be seeing you later, hope you have a nice time (Y/N)" the chairman said as he walked to a group of men. He stopped then said "you might want to take off that hat if you don't want the attention your having" then continued.

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