As Colourful as my Rose

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(Y/N)'s Point of View:

I copied what was written on the teachers board and listened, and at times I wouldn't understand what was said. Though behind the thought I kept noticing eyes whipping back and forth from students, ruffling paper of notes with messages and the whispers of conversations which I could clearly hear, and which I am not surprised...they are about me.

I looked back at the board seeing the twins giving me smiles and a thumbs up. I pretended to ignore them and wrote down the final notes until the bell rang. I packed up my things and walked towards the door and thanked the teacher. I was walking to the gate and saw Mori and Honey in the distance, I smiled at them and Honey came running to me. I watched him run closer and closer noticing that he wasn't slowing down, then the impact hit me.

He gave a big hug making me fall to the ground, "Hello (Y/N)-chan~! Are you not going to the host club?" I sat back up and hugged the little guy back, "so the host club runs after school?" I asked and honey nodded. I stood up and he just walked to stand by Mori's side. "Well I just announced it today so I think..."

"(Y/N) you already have a long list of requests today so I think you need to start moving" a sudden voice said behind me as I saw Kyoya looking at his book. "ALREADY?!" I shouted as I stood there in shock, in less than 2 hours I already have requests. "Didn't you hear me?" Kyoya said as he pushed up his glasses and crossed his arms. Still freaked out I saw the gate in the distance and without hesitation I ran to the gate, I think I had enough for the day.

Honey's Point of View:

I was so happy that (Y/N) decided to join the club~! We can eat cake, eat sweets, more cake... Cake. Oh and other than that she is already a big hit! Wait... (Y/N) is the first recognised girl in the host club... I wonder if boys would come.

I wanted to congratulate her but she ran away towards the gate, she was fast though I'm not surprised because of the participation in sport. I looked at Takashi and he nodded and ran to get (Y/N). Kyoya and I waited for them to come.

(Y/N)'s Point of View:

I ran dodging people as I went, I was almost there! One step, two steps and.... NOOO!

I felt my body being lifted up in the air and then I was placed on my stomach on someone's shoulder. It definitely wasn't Honey and I would be surprised if it was Kyoya, and it only lead to one person, Mori. I tried to escape but he wouldn't budge so I decided to give up when reached to where Kyoya and Honey waited.

We made it to the room and saw that Tamaki was chasing after the twins... with rose petals covering his whole body? Mori put me down and Kyoya mentioned about his family having a whole police force, damn these people can be really serious. Tamaki stopped and looked at us and was running our way with his arms open wide. Hugs are nice ... but when rose petals and glue are included I think I'll pass, then I hid behind Kyoya as my human shield.

Kyoya noticed the case scenario and then grabbed my wrist, dragging me to a table. "This is where you will sit and entertain our guests, you shall have the personality of a 'tomboy'" he said as I smiled and agreed with him on the personality. He continued to look at me and I just awkwardly looked back. "Do I have something on my face or what?" I said breaking the silence and his trance. "Just... Trying to figure out what colour you are..."

I gave him a confused look and he sighed, "everyone in the host club has a different coloured rose symbolising their personality." He took out a rose from the inside of his blazer and pointed it at me, "I am the cool type, and my rose is coloured purple" then he asked all the other members to come.

The twins were the first to speak up "we are the devil type" they said in unison, Karou with the softer voice then said "I have a orange rose" "while I have a blue flower" Hikaru followed. Honey jumped out between their act and held out a pink rose, "I have a pink flower~! Isn't it cute?" I looked at the rose and nodded. I turned to see Mori holding a dark blue rose, I could already tell he is the strong and silent type... The wild type?

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