Good Old Friend- An Imagine For NikitaMaynard

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Hey guys, this is actually an Imagine for Nikita, but if you aren't her, just replace her name with yours. BTW, the whole idea is mine, and the theme was a surprise. I hope you enjoy it.

PS, it's kinda longish to sry

{Nikita's POV}

I sat in my cell with my boyfriend Carl behind me. We were a couple for three months now.

Carl had his legs and arms wrapped around me while I was reading. He always really liked to cuddle and I liked it.

"Nikita?" Carl asked


"What are you reading?"

"Something about a girl that can go back in time and saves the whole city from a storm. It's really interesting, but it has very much high-school clichés in it."

"Sounds like girl's stuff." he said with a smile.


Suddenly the door opened and Beth came in.

"Nikita, Carl, would you mind coming out with me, we need your help."

"With what?" Carl asked and sat himself next to me.

"There is another group."

I stood up and laid the book on my bed. Carl grabbed his gun and walked out. I did the same and walked with Beth to the 'new' people.

We walked out and I saw that there were 5 persons. As I looked into their faces, I saw someone familiar. It was a boy, blonde hair and green eyes. It was my best friend, Ethan.

I began to run to him and as he saw me he did the same. I hugged him and felt tears in my eyes.

"Oh my god. I thought you were dead." I said, crying a little.

"Me too." he said.

He looked extremely different than before the apocalypse. He always were that clever little boy, that couldn't do anything to anyone. But now he kind of looked like a 'bad boy'. I hate to say something like that, but it was the only word I knew to describe him.

I stood up and Rick called him, because he wanted to show them where they can sleep. He walked away and waved to me.

Later in the afternoon, I sat in my cell again.

Suddenly it knocked on my door.

"Come in" I shouted.

It was Carl, like always at this time. He sat down next to me.

"Hey" he said silently.


"So, who was this guy from before?"

"It was Ethan. He was once my best friend."


"Oh, I understand. You are jealous. Aren't you?" I said with a smirk on my face.

"No" he said, but I knew he was. "Just be careful. He could have changed in the last years."

"Sure. But you don't need to be jealous because I'm in love with you, not with him."

He just nodded and I saw it was a little awkward to him. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. Very soon we decided to go to sleep.

~~~Time Skip to the next day~~~

I woke up alone in my bed. I wondered where Carl was, he didn't lay next to me like last night. I sat up and looked around in my room. I was shocked as I saw that it was in a total mess, I wondered what happened.

I walked out of the room and walked to the cafeteria to look if Carl was there. He wasn't, but the others were. I walked up to Maggie to ask her where he is.

"Oh, hey!" she said as she saw me.

"Hey.. Um. Have you seen Carl?"

"No, sorry, maybe he is on a run with his dad."

"Well, thanks."

I walked away, wondering if he went on a run without even telling me. We always asked before going on a run. I thought that I just need to wait till the walk is over.

I went searching Ethan, because I need to tell him so much. I walked to his cell and it was empty. I saw a paper on his bed with his handwriting.

Hey Nikita,

If you read that, I just want to tell you that I went on a run.

TTYL Ethan.

PS. I need to tell you something later.

So he was on a run also. I went back to my cell and stayed in there, reading, till evening.

In the evening, I was on watch with Carol. We saw a car coming. It was the group, they were finally back.

"Do you think, you could watch out for a second without me?" I asked Carol.

"Sure, just go to your boyfriend" she said smiling.

I went to the car and saw the guys come out of the car. They all looked kinda depressed. Ethan came out of the car. I walked over to him and hugged him short.

"What's up?" I asked serious.

"Nikita, something happened."

"What? What happened?"

I saw behind him and saw Rick coming out of the car, crying. "It's all my fault" he shouted.

"No" I whispered. I knew what happened and it wasn't good. "No, No, No" I said loudly and felt tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry" Ethan said quiet.

I broke down and Ethan catches me. We both sank to the ground.

"No! This can't be true. It can't..." I screamed.

Ethan held me tight against his chest.

All I remembered after that was everything becoming dark.

I woke up in my cell. I laid on my bed and it was around midnight. I hoped it was all a bad dream, but I exactly knew that it wasn't.

"You are awake." Someone said. It was Ethan, he sat on the chair that stood in my room.

"Yes, what happened?" I said in a shaky voice.

"You just broke down"

I stood up walking outside of my cell.

"What are you doing?" I said nothing and walked straight to the exit.

Ethan pulled my wrist and pressed me against the wall. "Nikita, I want to tell you something."

"What are you doing Ethan?" I asked

"I always missed you and thought about you. You need to know that I always had a crush on you."

As I wanted to say something, he pressed his lips against mine. I pushed him away but he didn't stop.

"Stop! Help!" I screamed.

Suddenly I heard a shot. Ethan felt back to the ground and behind him was Carl. He walked straight to me and started to hug me.

"Carl, you're alive." I said and tears streamed down my face.

"Yes. I am."

"What happened?"

"This asshole tried to kill me. He tried to shoot me, but he didn't got me. Then he pushed me into a room full of walkers and left me. I luckily made it and walked the whole night back to the prison."

I couldn't say anything, so I just hugged him a little harder. Suddenly I heard someone behind him. It was Ethan, as a walker.

"Carl! Behind you!" I screamed and he turned around. He pulled out his gun and shot him. Then he turned around and kissed me.

I was just happy with to see that he was alive...

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