27.06 ~Chandler Imagine

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Today I was at Chandlers place, because tomorrow was his birthday. I helped him setting up the computers and laptops for his birthdaystream. All his friends were coming to play League of Legends with him, like they do every year. Last time they reached like 3500 viewers, so they wanted to have more this year.

"Could you please put the mouse pad there?" he asked, so I brought it next to his laptop.

"Who's coming tomorrow? Did you invite Sam?" I asked, because they didn't meet in a while.

"Well, I invited him, but he told me that he couldn't come because he had trouble at home."

Chan, me and Sam know each other from school. We were always really good friends, but with getting older, we didn't have the time to do something together like before. Me and Sam are still together in school, but Chan is on a private school since 2011 or something. Now, me and Chan were best friends.

"Ouh, you didn't see him in a while, why don't you go visit him next week or something."
"Next week I'm on set, but I'll see what I can do."
"I still remember how we used to see each other everyday."
"It was always awesome with you guys as friends. By the way, when will you be here tomorrow?"
"I don't know yet, but I'll try to come while you guys stream."

In the next day I got up early. I still had to buy something for Chan, so I went to the mall. I still had some time, because the stream started in the evening.

I went to a League of Legends fanshop and bought a figure of Jinx. I played League of Legends sometimes, so I knew some of the characters. I knew that he would like it, because he was sometimes a total nerd.

After I was in the mall I had to help my mum in the garden and she talked with me about Chan.

"What did you buy him?"
"Just a figure of the video game he's obsessed with. I guess he'll like it."
"If you guess it, he likes it. You know him better than yourself." I smiled about this, because it was totally true. "But I still wonder why you and him aren't a couple" Well, now I didn't smile anymore. This was awkward.
"You know what I said. You two would make a great couple. That would be totally cute."
"Mum, we're just friends."
"Huh, just friends, that's exactly the same I said before I came together with your dad."
I just smiled, so it wouldn't get any more awkward.

After the work, I started getting dressed for his birthday. I put on the shirt he gave me once. It still fitted.

When I was ready, my mum brought me to his house. I had the present packed in a little box with me. As we arrived at his house, the guys already streamed. I walked to his room and saw that they hadn't start the game yet.

"Ouh guys, (Y/N) is here." Chan said into his cam.
"Hey, I have something for you." I gave him the box and I already saw that he was happy about the present.
"Thanks, let's open it." He opened it and turned to me as he saw what it was. "Jinx. This is awesome. Thank you so much." He hugged me. "Sit down."

I sat down next to him and I read some of the chat from Twitch. There were so many people on it. I read things like 'She is pretty' and 'Are you two a couple?'. I smiled at it.

"Wait. Is this the shirt that I bought you? You look gorgeous."
"Yea, it is. Thank you." I bet I blushed.

As I looked to the chat again, I saw that some people called us 'Cute' and 'Sweet'. Chandlers fans are really awesome.

We played a few rounds with his friends and got more viewers than ever before. That was awesome. After a few hours, we ended the stream. Well, we thought we did.

Me and Chan turned off the monitors and were alone in the room. His friends were already gone, but I would sleep at his place.

We sat down and talked about the stream. I told him about the messages I read.

"As I looked to the chat, I just saw so many people saying that we would make an awesome couple and that we are cute together."
"Aww. Maybe they are right."
"Well, (Y/N), we know each other now many years, and I think I have to tell you something." He laid his hand on mine and looked into my eyes. "I think I'm in love with you"

I didn't say anything, I just kissed him. I always thought that I would be in the friendzone. I guess my mum was right. And maybe also all my friends. They always said that we were both in love with each other.

As we finished our kiss, I looked to the left and saw that the Cam was still blinking. I started the monitor and saw that the stream was still going. My eyes widened. Chan turned off the cam and we both started to laugh.

In the next morning, my Instagram was full of pictures with me and Chan kissing. There were also a few really cute edits. I was somehow really happy.

Hey guys.
Thank you again for 11,5k readers. You are awesome.

BTW, I really like all your comments. They are always good to laugh :D

I will update more now, because the holidays are here. And I also wish you all a wonderful summer. Except you don't have summer, than I wish you a good whatever you have now :D

Is here anyone who could make a new cover? Message me. The one who makes one gets a dedication. :D

QOTD: Should I make a QOTD in the end of the Imagines?

It would be awesome if you leave a vote and go follow me if you want to know when a new Imagine is coming.

See you in the next one.
Xoxo Sarah aka missbluebean

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