Besties forever -Chandler

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Today was finally my 18th birthday. I didn't want to party with too many people. I just wanted to be at home, listen to my favorite music, maybe drink some beer and be with my boyfriend and my best friends Chandler and Dana.

First, me and Chandler were friends since kindergarten. Well, at least we first met there. We somehow lost each other until high school, where we finally saw each other again. At first I didn't recognize him and to be honest, I somehow always thought that he got seriously hot. But we became best friends with the time, because we hung around everyday and always chilled together.

Me and Dana met at a birthday party of a friend of mine. I talked all night long with her so we started hanging out together very soon and also became best friends.

I wanted them 2 to meet, ever since they were my best friends and they also became good friends. And also, Dana always told me, that Chandler and me would've been a really nice couple, because we would just match. As soon as she told me that I turned red and was like: "Whaaat? Me and him? I don't think so..." and also laughed somewhat nervous. She was just laughing about my reaction and said "Yeah, whatever you say.".

5 months again I met my boyfriend and in the beginning he was really awesome and nice ans so on, but at some point he got really shitty and I have no idea why. He rather wanted to sit around all day and ignore me, instead of going out and do something fun. He got really boring to be honest. Also, he didn't want me to hang out wuth Dana and Chandler ever since he didn't like them. But I didn't listen to him and still hung out with them. We often argued because of that.

On my birthday he didn't even wanted that I have fun or enjoy it somehow. So we argued really much again. I got home without him and had fun with Dana and Chandler. We all ate cake and I talked with them about our argument today.

"He's a real jerk" Dana said. "Why don't you just leave him? There are so many better guys."

"I don't know, I think I am going to." I said.

"You should do it as soon as possible." she said again.

"Yep, I really have to I guess. I don't want to be stressed all day, just because he's in abad mood or some shit like that. He should be happy with me."

After eating my favorite cake, I turned the music a little louder and took some pictures with my besties, to remember this day with my friends at some point. They just were the best.

We really had fun throughout the evening and enjoyed being together. At some point I got a message of my boyfriend, just saying the word 'bitch'. At that point I just blocked him and showed it to my friends. It was seriously over and he shall never come back into my life. I didn't even know what he had, to write something like this without any context. I think that asshole was just jealous off me, being happy.

Chandler and Dana were happy for me, that I finally broke up with him. And me? I wasn't even sad about it.

"You did the right thing" Chandler said. "He was really just some hopeless dude, seeking for attention by things like this."

"Yep. And you know, I have you two guys and that's enough, since you're the best.

Dana had to leave later on, because she had to get up early the next morning and couldn't sleep at my place. But Chandler was staying and I was really happy about that somehow.

My parents weren't at home, so we had the living room for us. We watched some episodes of our favorite show, (insert your favorite show here).

At first we sat normally next to each other, but I somehow really got the urge to cuddle him, so I got a little closer. I think he noticed it, because he laid his arm around my shoulder. I just leaned on him.

After an episode he started saying "You know, I'm somehow happy that you're not together with him anymore. I think he never really liked me or liked seeing us 2 together."

"Yea I know, I'm happy about it too. It's better that way. But I should've done it earlier."

"By the way, you looked really beautiful all day long." I think I blushed there for a second, as he said that.

"Thank you, but so do you."

He laughed a little and I somehow felt my hearth skip a beat as he did. And at that point I really realized something. 'There are so many better guys' and I think the best guy is sitting right next to me. He was always here for me, if I needed him and he always will be. And I always thought that he is the most beautiful boy in the world. And at that point I felt really dumb. How did I not realized that before? Oh my god.

I somehow stared at him for a second because of his cute smile. I just could't look away anymore. And he realized that very early.

"Are you okay?" he said and smiled at me.

"I don't know. I mean yes, totally. But you know, I just don't know somehow." I said and realized after that, that this sentence didn't make any sense.

Now, he looked straight into my eyes and I felt a really strong tingle in my stomach, like I never did before. And then, he just pressed his lips against mine and started kissing me. And oh my god, he was such a good kisser!

After that he just looked into my eyes and started smiling again. I smiled too, because I was just happy.

That evening we cuddled really much and kissed each other several more times. That made my birthday just perfect.

Chandler / Carl ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now