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I imagined having birthday in a post-apocalyptic world different. I thought no one would remind it or anyone would wish me a happy birthday.

In Alexandria that seems to be different. They actually celebrate their birthday and make parties. I didn't really like those. It was always the same.

Everyone just gets drunk, speaks with anyone and don't even know whose birthday it is.

I didn't tell my birthday anyone except Carl. He is my boyfriend, so I guess it's okay when he knows.

He always asked me. At first I didn't answer him, but as he kissed me, I just had to tell him. I know his birthday as well, 27th June. He turns 16 next month and I need a present.

So, today is my birthday and I really hope that Carl didn't tell anyone. Birthday parties remind me of the old times with my parents.

Well, as I woke up this morning I saw someone sitting on my bed. I rubbed my eye and looked at him. It was Carl.

"Hey, you finally woke up." he said with a soft voice.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"It was to cute to do it." he said with a smile.

I smiled and sat up.

"Why are you here? Did anything happen?"

"Yes, it's your birthday (Y/N), did you forget it?"

"No, I didn't. It's just nothing special."

"It is. Just because it's you it is special."

I smiled and kissed him on his cheek. He turned his head and kissed me on my mouth.

"Dress up and come downstairs, I have something for you."

With that he stood up and went out of the room.

I walked to the dresser and got a normal top and a jeans. It's still crazy for me to live a normal life. Or at least as normal as possible.

Carl looks different since we are here. He isn't that stressed anymore. He even changed his look, for example, he doesn't wears his hat the whole time.

The last days were really warm. It's around 30°C/86°F. I don't have clothes for this kind of weather.

I went down the stairs and saw everyone eating an little breakfast. Then, Carol came to me and pulled me in a hug.

"Happy Birthday (Y/N)!"

I looked at Carl and my look said something like 'You told them' He looked sorry but smiled.

"Thank you Carol."

"There's nothing to thank for. You didn't see your present yet." she said with a big smile.


"For sure. But first, I made a cake for you."

She turned around and showed me the cake. It was one with chocolate and vanilla.

Everyone got a piece of cake and thanked Carol for it. After the cake, Daryl came to me and wanted to show me something outside.

He also told Carl that he doesn't need to worry about me. I'm save.

I went outside with him and he got me on a big, green weadow with something like a target on it.

"Wait a second." he said and gone. As he came back he had something behind his back.

"Do you remember what you told us when you came to our group?"

"Uhm... I think I told you about my live?"

"Yes, and what you did in your freetime."

He got the present from behind his back and showed it to me. It was a bow. He also got a few arrows and gave them to me. He pointed on the target. I got an arrow from the bag and shot on it. I hit the Bull's Eye and Daryl claped his hands.

"You still got it. Little Miss Arrow Queen."

I heard someone clap from behind. As I turned, I saw that it was Carl. He smiled and walked to us.

"I told you that she's save Carl." said Daryl.

"I know, but I wanted to see my girl. And I wanted to know if she can handle this."

"She's a lot more batter than you Carl."

"Yup, I think so" Carl said and laughed.

He came up to me and said "So, uhm, Daryl. I would like to be alone with her for now."

"Sure, but don't come back pregnant."

We both looked at him while he was walking away.

Carl than got something from his pocket. It was a small, rosé box.

"So, (Y/N), I wanted to give you something. I know that you wanted to have it."

He opened the box and I saw a necklace. It was silver and had a heart at it. He got it out of the box and looked at me like he wanted to say 'Turn around'.

I turned and he pulled it around my neck. It was totally beautiful.

I turned around again and he looked at it.

"That makes you even more beautiful my princess." He kissed me and whispered in my ear: "Happy birthday my love."

I hope you liked it! By the way, today is my real birthday :D

I'm sorry I couldn't update in such a long time, but I was in Paris with my french class. It was absolutely awesome.

I will write more in the next months and thank you for already 9k+ readers.

See you in the next one.

Xoxo Sarah aka. missbluebean :D

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