Why Did You?

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Your p.o.v.

After an arguement with my best friend Carl, I sat in my cell, crying. I was very upset because we never argued like this before.

I was thinking about running away this night, because I don't wanted to be in our group anymore. But before I go, I wanted to sleep about it.

I laid down in my bed and cried a little till I slept.

In the next morning I woke up and forgot a second about the argument. I sat up and saw that the sun wasn't up yet. As I looked at the clock it was 4:56 am. I thought about sleeping again but wasn't tired.

I stood up and remembered the idea of running away. I wasn't sure about it. I went out of my cell and saw someone standing at the wall nearby my cell.

"Why are you already up? " Carl

"I couldn't sleep anymore. Why are you up?"

"The same."

There was an awkward silence so I decided to walk away.

"Wait. I need to tell you something" Carl said and I turned around. "I'm sorry for yesterday. I didn't want to yell at you."

"If you didn't want to, why did you?"

I already forgot why we argued, it was just for no reason.

As our eyes met he said clear and loud "I love you"

I was shocked, but not like bad-shocked, more like happily surprised. I wanted to say something, but I was stopped by his lips crushing on mine. The kiss lasted like 3 seconds, but it was awesome.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted-" I stopped him with kissing him again. This time longer than before. As we stopped, I smiled at him.

"You don't need to be sorry, I love you too." I said

That was my first kiss and it was awesome.

Hey guys, I'm sorry for not making Imagines in ages! I will try to make more, but I have some trouble with school...

Thanks for reading and hit that Votebutton :D

Xoxo missbluebean ❤

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