Self-harm ~An Imagine For Warmhugsxoxo

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It was warm last summer. I felt the heat in my face while running through the woods. A walker followed me behind.

I was all alone because my parents died as the apocalypse started and I knew I wouldn't live long in a post-apocalyptic world. I sometimes thought about going to my parents. I mean like just getting out of this world. But then I remembered how beautiful it was once.

I ran and I heard that there were more walkers coming. I couldn't turn because I would get slower. So I thought it was a good idea to turn just my head around. Well, I fell.

The walkers were coming. They were slow, but I was panicking. They came very close but I suddenly heard the sound of an arrow or something.

As I looked at the walkers again, I saw them laying on the ground.

"Can I help you girl?" a deep voice said. As I turned back around there was a man with brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked down at me and waited for an answer.

I pulled out my weapon really fast and pointed it at him. I bet he could see the fear in my eyes.

"Woah. That's tough for a girl like you. I don't wanna hurt you." he said calm.

I slowly put down my weapon, but I didn't stop looking at the man. Being aware is always good in an apocalypse.

"Alright. If you don't mind, you can come with me. I have a group and we have a home, food and water. It's save there."

Slowly nodding my head I walked towards him. What else could I do. I just wanted to be save for some time.

He brought me to a prison and there where so many people. This was the biggest group I've seen in this apocalypse. Today I know that the man's name is Daryl. In the prison I also met Rick, the leader of the group.

Rick had a son called Carl. I liked him, but he didn't really like me. He somehow started to bully me after a week in the group.

Someday the prison got taken down and we had to go into the woods. We found a church but we couldn't stay in it for a long time. I always sat alone all this time. I had no one to talk to or to trust.

After a year in the group, we were at a new place. It was called Alexandria. I liked this one the most, because it was so big. Carl still didn't like me. I liked him tho. I somehow fell in love with him.

It was even harder to be in love with him, because I always thought he hates me until this one day:

I sat in my small room under the roof. Outside, it was raining. Carl bullied me harder than ever before and I sat crying on the floor.

Over and over I said "Why me?" and pulled the razor blade from one side to the over on my arm. I started to self harm a few days before this. It was the only way I could feel something.

Suddenly, someone came up the stairs. I threw the blade away and held my arm behind my back. Carl came into my room.

"Maya, I'm sorry. I didn't want to... Wait. What is behind your back?" he said and looked at my arm.

He pulled my arm and saw my self harm.

"What the hell? Are you serious? Nothing?"
"Like you would care."
"You can't just fucking self harm! Stop this shit!" he yelled.

I just started to cry again ran away. I just wanted to run as fast and wide I could. Away from all the people. Away from live.

The tears were running down my face. I wanted it to stop. The bullying was too hard for me. I wasn't the tough little girl anymore. I was just nothing.

I finally arrived at a place where I could and it all. It was the bottom of Alexandria. I looked at the wall and leaned against it. I looked into the sky.

Suddenly I felt someone pulling my shoulder. It was Carl. He looked me straight into my eyes.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. Then he kissed me. I was surprised and at first I didn't kissed back. But then I lost all control. I loved him.

After the kiss he looked at me again. His eyes were so pretty. They are prettier than a sky full of stars.

"I thought you hate me." I whispered back.
"How could I?" he said.

Hey guys and sorry that the Imagine came a bit later than it was supposed to. Wattpad just deleted it over and over again.

Tomorrow I'll work on another Imagine for a great reader.

This Imagine is dedicated to @warmhugsxoxo I hope you like it!

BTW, add me on Snapchat: sarahyoli

See you in the next one
Xoxo missbluebean aka Sarah ♥

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