Chapter one - when we met

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Jades POV.

Agh it's 6:30 am in the morning and I'm awake
My alarm had just gone of I slammed my hand on my phone and turned the alarm of finally peace and quite I thought to my self , I got out of bed and ran a shower for my self ,while the shower was getting warm I had a message from my best friend jesy nelson

Jesynelson.we still meeting today jade?

Jadethirwall.yes I will pick you up about 8

I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and brushed my teeth then got ready for school I wore   Dog coller type necklace thing and a denim crop tank top and denim jeans with a denim back and a pare of denim high shoes

I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and brushed my teeth then got ready for school I wore   Dog coller type necklace thing and a denim crop tank top and denim jeans with a denim back and a pare of denim high shoes

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I went down stairs to see my mam had made me tea and pancakes she looked at me with a concerned look

Norma. "Jade really that outfit it looks a bit slutty no offence pet"

Jade. "Not it's fine mam I understand your concerns for me but it's fine jesy is wearing a similar outfit so"

Norma . "Ok  see you after school have a good day pet"

Jade. " oh can jesy come round for tea today as her parents are still arguing and she can't handle it"

Norma. "Of course she can jesy is welcome hear anytime"

I nodded at my mums last statement kissed her on her cheek and grabbed my car keys and picked jesy up . We got to the school gates and saw two people arguing me and jesy rushed out of the car to see who it was at at out surprisement it was Leigh Anne our other best mate  she was arguing with her boyfriend Andre they have little arguments every so often and they end up being on breaks kinda like Ross and Rachel I'm friends it gets really annoying

Leigh Anne. "Seriously Andre your getting ridiculous now it's not that hard to awnser a text considering I know your always on your phone stop being a bastard we are ON A BREAK DON'T MESSAGE ME"

Andre then walked off to find his mates so they could play football

Jade. " you okay Leigh?"
Leigh. "Yeah I'm okay just regret doing that now but I feel like it was a good idea I can't get"
She got cut off by the bell going off we all parted as we have different classes

Mrs Michele. "Right class we have a test today about music"
Miss handed out the tests and we got started intill we heard a teary voice

Perrie. "Sorry I'm late mrs i-I
She got cut off my miss handing her the test and Gesturing her to go to her seat wich unlucky for me is next to me.

"Wh-what's the test about" said Perrie edwards a cute and quite girl who always does as people tell her to

Jade. "Music" I replied with in annoyance
She nodded and looked sorry for asking me

Perrie's POV.

I can't believe I'm late I'm never late I thought to myself

As I got into class the teacher gestured me to my seat next to this cute girl jade I had seen jade around school before and never thought I'd actually get to talk to her let alone sit next to her jade is one of the cool kids people kinda fear her as she can be a bully she does act all tough but I bet inside she's just a big softy

Jade's POV.

It was nearly the end of class which means I'm closer to being in a class with Leigh and jes I can't wait

*the bell rings*

Perrie's POV

Mrs Michele " can I talk to you please Perrie"
she said in a worring tone

Perrie "yes mrs am in I'm trouble I am so did sorry for being late I didn't mean to I accidentally slept in I've been working so hard on my homework for English"

Mrs Michele "no perrie your not in trouble I'm just concerned because you don't look right either are you feeling alright"

Perrie " yes mrs I feel fine can I go to my next class now please?"

Mrs nodded at my question I rushed to my next class and sat down and got on with my work

*end of the school day*

Jades POV

Finally school  is over  I can finally have a good night with jes

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