Chapter three - the fair

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"What ride then first girls" asked Madeleine
They all looked at each other and Jesy  awnserd  the waltzers
"Alright that's all settled me perrie and Madeleine will go on one and jesy and jade you go on the other" orders Leigh Anne

After the ride they got off and searched around the fair trying to look for a food place they found one got some food then went looking for some more rides Leigh Anne  found one she's been wanting to go on for ages the octopus
Jesy didn't come on  because this one make her feel sick

Perries POV
We got to the fair and went on a ride which was fun we then went for something to eat and then went on the octopus me and jade got on together I was kinda happy yet nervous

A few minutes into the ride I got a bit scared we then went down really fast I screamed a load and grabbed jades hand which made her tense up i felt that and took my hand of hers and then the ride ended we got off jade helped me as my top got stuck we got of and I thanked her and apologised for grabbing her hand she nodded and smiled at me . Jade went over to the girl  , I went to walk over but got interrupted by a call I looked at my phone to see it was my boyfriend I awnserd  the phone to a worried voice

Alex❤️⚽️ " babe why haven't you awnserd I've been worried you didn't awnser my messages so I rang where are you are you okay babe"

Perrie "I'm fine babe there's no need to worry I'm with Madeleine Leigh Anne jesy and jade I'm fine trust me and We are at the fair"

Alex❤️⚽️ " wait did you say Leigh Anne Jesy and jade as in Leigh Anne Pinnock Jesy Nelson and jade thirlwall no babe don't hang out with them they are bad there literally bullies"

Perrie " huh you don't get to tell me who i do and don't get to hang your with your not my father"

Me yelling caused the girls to look over I saw them looking over at me but I continued the conversation

Perrie "Alex I am a 17 year old girl who has her own mind and I can do and hang out with who I like they are good people they have don't nothing wrong to me so just understand I am hanging out with them if you don't like that the just piss of okay I am having a good time and I'm not having you ruin that bye Alex!"

"Uh wow you've never spoken to Alex like that are you okay?" Asked Madeleine

"Yeah I'm okay" I said
" would you like to carry on with the fair or do you want me to drive you home" asked Leigh Anne

Perrie "nah I'm fine I'm not letting that bastard control me he found out who I was hanging out with and told me I can't and I just lost it which I never do but who care aye?" 

We continued to walk around the fair and every so often I court jade glancing at me I think it's to see if I'm okay which is sweet ,
It was getting close to midnight and the fair was still open there was one last ride we all wanted to go on,
We all walked over the the Ferris wheel and got on me and jade were on a separate one from the other girls the ride started and there was a moment of silence in till jade said

"so where you from you sound gordie?"

" I am I'm from South Shields" I replied

"No way I'm from South Shields aswell my accent is a bit different from yours"

"Yours is more stronger yeah,we moved down a few years ago"

"Me  my mam dad an brother moved about 7 years ago, have you always known Madeleine then"

"Yeah she moved a couple of months before us"

Jade smiled at my last statement and looked away

I started to shiver as I'm scared of hights and i was freezing
Jade realised and asked what was up
" you alright what's up"
"Nothing I'm just really scared of hights and a bit cold" I replied

"It's okay I'm with ya , here take my jacket if your cold"

"No it's fi" I got cut of by jade placing her jacket around my shoulders she then pulled me in and put her arm round mine and started rubbing my arm to warm we up
The ride was over and we got off this time I helped jade of she thanks me and smiled we then Waited  for  the others Cart to come down when it did the girls looked shocked

"Hey guys you alright" jesy said all smirky

"Yes we're fine jes" awnserd jade

"Right who's hungry?" Asked Leigh Anne

"Oh me"
"Right there's a nice place across the road we'll head over there get something to eat  then I'll dive you all home" said Leigh Anne we all nodded and got back in the car

"I'll sit in the middle if you want jes" said jade

"Thanks jade i appreciate that" awed jesy

As we got  to the restaurant jade pulled Me to one side and gave me a piece of paper which had her number on it and said

"Here take my number and if you need anything even if you just need someone to waffle on to just ring or message me and I'll always awnser"

"Aw thanks jade" I replied

Jade wrapped her arm around my shoulders and headed to the restaurant and saw the girls surprised faces to what jade had done just just smiled and walked us in .
We ate and paid then went to the car all tied and headed home Leigh Anne dropped me and Madeleine off first as they were further way from jade jesy and Leigh Anne's house.

Jades POV

"Bye girls see you on Monday" said Leigh Anne the girls looked back nodded and smiled and hugged each other said there goodbyes and walked into there houses

"Right let's get home then,oh jade would it be okay if I just stayed at yours I can't be arsed to drive all ways back to mine?" Asked Leigh Anne

"Yea of course you can I'll bring down all the pillows and spare covers and we can all sleep on the sofa" I Replied
They girls nodded and drove home
We got to the house i got my keys out opened the door and went upstairs to grab all the stuff came down with a load of pillows and covers I placed them on the sofa and allowed the girls to grab what they wanted we got all comfy on the sofa and we all crashed out straight away.

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