Chapter six - the talk

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Jades POV

I got up and out of bed and saw Perrie still asleep i smiled looked at the time ,it was 6:49 in the morning I went and put the shower on and got my cloths out for the day and got in the shower ,I got out the shower and went back in to my bedroom to see a sleepy Perrie sat up checking the time by the time I got out the shower it was 7:15

"Hey sleepy you alright did you sleep aright?" I asked

"Mmm yea" she mumbled

I smiled and giggled at how cute she was in the morning

"Oh your mam called you by the way jade" she said , I couldn't get over how sexy her morning raspy voice was

"Okay you coming she's made breakfast can't you smell it?" I asked

"I can't smell anything as I don't have a sense of smell I was born with out it"she said shyly and like she was embarrassed about it

"Ok that's kinda cute" I said smiling which made her smile
" come on I'm getting hungry here" i laughed she giggled and made her way out of bed and we went down stairs
We finished breakfast and went back upstairs

"Hey do you wanna borrow some of my cloths for school?" I asked perrie

She nodded her head as she was still sleepy
I grabbed out bra type orangeish tank top crop top type thing and a pair of Light blue ripped jeans and handed them to her

"Thanks jade" she said
And I grabbed out a Black blouse and a pair of white jeans and some boots aswell as a black fendora hat.
we headed to school in perries car there was silence in there car till my phone binged

Leigh "hey jade where are you,it's 8:30 and your not hear we normally meet"

"Sorry perrie stayed the night and we on our way now we left a bit late" I messaged back

"Mhm okay" she replied

We got to school and me and Perrie parted ways

"Soo you and Perrie spent the night together thought it was just meant to be you to going out for something to eat" said jesy

"It was then we went to see and movie and I invited her in and then asked her if she wanted to stay" I replied

"Sounds like a date" said jesy smirking

"Jesy nothing happened and were just ya know friends" I said in annoyance

"Ok then where did she sleep" asked jesy

"In my bed with me" I replied

Leigh and jesy looked at each other smiling then looked back at me and then nodded there heads and started walking away
I stayed behind and had a tear roll down my face -do they know I like perrie-I whipped it away and caught up with my friends we headed to class and we where late we all walked in and said

"Sorry we're late sir"

He looked at us and saw I wasn't right he said
"It's fine girls ,right class get on with your work ,jade can I talk to you outside please"

"Yeah whatever"I replied

"You okay jade you look like your either about to be sick or start crying" he said worryingly

" I'm fine" I said in annoyance

"Right okay then go back into class" he replied

I looked around in class and saw my friends sat at the same table as Perrie and Madeleine I was happy to see perrie she saw me looking over and waved her hand and gestured me over jesy looked over at her and then at me and smirked I rolled my eyes and headed over

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