Chapter nine - love

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"Open the door let us in"

Jades POV

Me and perrie leapt off of the sofa Perrie was scared to the point she was shaking she thought it was her dad

"Common let us in it's cold" said a voice that left me and perrie gasping in relivemeant
I opened the door to see Leigh and jesy stood outside waiting for us to get into the car

"You not even dressed,oh hi perrie waiiit PERRIE" said jesy

Perrie leapt back at jesy screaming

"Go upstairs and get changed get some of my warm cloths on pez" I told her

She went upstairs

"What's up with her" said jesy

"She came round last night crying coz her dad had kicked her out and she's staying here but he was yelling and was really mad and she just got scared her dad never really yells that much or load" I said quietly

She came back down stairs with one of my hoodies on and a pair of her jeans
She looked at me and wrapped her arms around me from behind

"Hey perrie you alright" said Leigh

"Yeah ,sorry I jumped jesy im just really jumpy at the moment" she said trying to hold back the tears

Jesy nodded and touched her sholder

"It's okay perrie,jade go get dressed"replied jesy laughing

I went upstairs with perrie following

As the girls went upstairs Leigh Anne and jesy started talking

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking" said Jesy


"Hey jerrie get down stairs now" yelled Leigh and jesy

Perries POV

We heard Leigh Anne and jesy yell ,me and jade looked at each other and laughed she grabbed my hand and we went down stairs to see Leigh Anne and jesy looking at us smirking

"Don't even say anything" said jade

We went with the girls and got into the car and drove to school, When we got to school we heard people yelling
We ran in to see Alex and jonnie arguing

" your such an idiot for telling your dad letting her get kicked out" yelled Alex

"I didn't tell him that" replied jonnie

"Then who did coz being" answered Alex but I stopped him before he finished the sentence

"You can piss off and you can come with us and calm down" I yelled at the both of them

We took Alex to the Library and spoke

"What where you doing" whispered jade

" you nearly told the hole fu- school" she added

" look I couldn't get over what he did Madeleine messaged me saying she saw you running out the house with your stuff while your dad watched you and slammed the door ,and I knew that you two had a thing for each other you could just tell" he added

I looked at him and smiled

"Look just be careful with what you say coz I don't want anyone knowing as of yet and neither does jade" I begged

He nodded and got up and left we saw jonnie coming into the library and headed towards us we walked away while jade went up to him and started yelling

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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