Chapter eight- the marks 

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Jades POV

It was the day after the sleepover (a school day)

I was still in shock after what happened with me and Perrie but I had to leave it out my mind and get ready for school

*at school*

I saw perrie across the school with a scarf around her neck it didn't click to me why in till I saw Leigh and Jesy

"the fu- hell on your neck there miss jade thirlwall" jesy said laughing

Then there it was , I now know why Perrie has a scarf on,
"What are you going on about jesy" I said trying to brush it off ,but she came up to me and pulled my top down showing a mark on my neck

"Jade" said Leigh Anne in shock , I looked down in embarrassment and headed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror

"Shit" I whispered ,luckly no one was in here
Leigh and jesy looked at each other and then back at me And said at the same time

"Someone had fun when we left yesterday"

I looked at them and rolled my eyes then snatched Leigh scarf off of her neck and wrapped it round mine

" hey give that back" said Leigh
" no right now I need it more than you Leigh" I replied she rolled her eyes and nodded and we headed to class

The day went by so quickly I had a few classes with perrie and we didn't speak at all , but thankfully we have music last and me and Perrie are partners

I've really fallen for perrie and that was before last night I haven't told my mum that I'm gay yet but I can't at the moment

It was the last period of the day and I was exited to have a lesson with perrie where we actually had to communicate
"Hey" she said quietly

"Hey you okay?" I asked

" yeah I've changed the song coz we didn't sound right with only you so I've changed it to "secret love song" Is that okay '?" She asked with a worried look on her face I nodded and smiled
The class preformed,some where good and some where awful
Mrs Michele "right miss edwards miss thirlwall your turn

We nodded and got up

*Perries part*

'When you hold me in the street
And you kiss me on the dance floor'

*jades part*

'I wish that  it could be like that
Why can't it be like that 'cause I'm yours
We keep behind closed doors every time I see you ,I die a little more
Stolen moments that we still as the curtain falls
It will never be enough'

*perrie & jades part*

' it's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you ,It just fits perfectly
Every second , every Thought I'm in so deep
But  I'll never show it on my face
But we know this , we. Got a love that is  hopeless'

* perries part*

'Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?
I wish we could be like that
why can't we be like that
cause I'm yours'

The last part she let out a small belt and I was amazed

The class Applauds at our performance it was the end of class and me and Perrie stayed behind and packed up as we where the last to perform

" you were awesome" said Perrie smiling

" no you where" I replied

She blushed

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