Chapter five - after school

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It was the end of that school day perrie waited out side jades class for her,she saw everyone walk out all expect jade

Perries POV

"Hey perrie Madeleine Isn't in this class" said Leigh Anne
"Oh I know I'm waiting for jade We're going out for something to eat ,I saw her walking away from you guys at break so I followed her and then she started crying so I offed to get something with her to eat at break or after school she said she wasn't hungry so I said we will have to get something after school and she agreed ,is everything okay with you three?"I said

"Yeah everything is okay with us I had just pissed her off that's all" answered jesy

I nodded as they walked off I looked in the class to see jade still sat in her seat so I decided to just sit on the floor and go through Instagram and of course what do I see first a post from jade

I nodded as they walked off I looked in the class to see jade still sat in her seat so I decided to just sit on the floor and go through Instagram and of course what do I see first a post from jade

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"Wow" I said out load
"What" said a soft voice
"Oh sh-oh just the news" I replied to jade who was standing in font of me
I stood up to see a confused face

"Oh ok then ,you actually waited for me" she said in a confused tone

"Yeah why wouldn't I ,I said I would take you out for something to eat and that's what I'm doing" I replied ,  she nodded and we headed to my car, I can't get over how hot she was in that post and i still can't believe I said that out load and she heard me ,we got to my car I opened the passenger door and gestured her to go in as she was in the car I shut the door and made my way over to my side got in and started the car ,we got to the food place in a comfortable silents,I got out my side and opened the door for jade when she got out
" you don't have to keep opening the door for me I do have hands I can do it my self you know" she laughed  showing me her beautiful hands
"I know but I like opening the car door for you" I replied
She smiled and we started walking to the door this time jade opened the door for me
" Madame" she said while holding the door open
I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully
We got into the restaurant and got to the counter

"How can I help you today" asked the waitress

"Urm table for two" I said

"Is it already booked in"replied the waitress

"Yes,under the name perrie Edwards" I said

Waitress "Okay you are at table 31,I will show you now" 

Me and jade followed the waitress as she showed us our table she left us to it after saying "I will be over in a few minutes for your orders" we both nodded , I pulled out the chair and gestured jade to sit down and she did i went over to mine and we both looked at the menu
" you picked yet perrie?"asked jade
"Yeah you" I replied with
"Yeah I'm gonna have fish and chips you?" She said

"I'm going to have a curry which I'm going to regret later" I laughed we both look over to see the waitress writing that all down , " and what drink will you be having with that?" She asked
"Pepsi please diet" said jade
"Fanta orange please" I added
"Ok that will be with you in a few minutes and your meals will be out soon aswell" she said then walked away

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