Chapter four -music

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It was a Monday morning the girls had stayed round the whole weekend.
jade Leigh Anne and Jesy all woke up after one another. Jade was the first to get up and get ready she came back down stairs to see her mam cooking some breakfast for her and her friend

"Thank you for letting them crash here mam,jes just can't handle home at the moment and Leigh well Leigh can't handle being away from me" giggled jade

" it's all right hunny there welcome round anytime but if you carry on being an arse at school I will stop them from coming round sort your self out at school , I had a phone call from your music teacher after you left yesterday she said that you did hardly any of the test then just daydreamed for the rest then snapped at her when she tried to get your attention please be good pet" asked Norma

She nodded and went over to jesy and Leigh Anne who were half awake she chucked them some cloths and said,
"here put them on , your other ones are washed so stuff them in your backs" the girls nodded and smiled
After 30 minutes the girls were ready ,fed and leaving Leigh Anne thanked Norma for the food as did Jesy and jade kissed her ma on the cheek and left

*phone ringing*

Andre😭🥰 "hey baby I'm so sorry for not answering your message I miss you and want you back"

Leigh Anne. "No Andre I'm not ready yet you really upset me and it wasn't just over the messages I'm"-
She got cut of by the phone hanging up, the girls carried on walking to the car in till they heard

Jades POV.

"Crap no"

"What's up" asked Leigh Anne

"I have music second and mrs Michele rang my mam and told her I wasn't behaving in her class just coz I was daydreaming and hardly done any of the test don't mean I wasn't behaving so I have to" i replied in an angry yet mocking tone

" well at least you have perrie in your class"said jesy with a smirk of her face

I just shook my head and rolled my eyes at her statement and got into the car

As we pulled up to school we saw Madeleine and perrie walking into school with a lad who none of us recognised Leigh Anne called out Madeleines name which caused them all to turn around and we saw who the lad was
He was a tallish lad with small curly type hair I turned around to jesy and said
" I don't like him"
"You don't even know him"
"Still I don't like him"
"That's only coz you like Perrie"
"JESY" I yelled then smacked her  And caused a load of people to look at me including perrie and the lad
"Ow" she replied with no emotion
We giggled ,said the hellos and then went to class

It was first period which meant
"Maths" we all said together
Which means mr Sprouse
He is the worst he always picks on us. We spent ages talking about how we don't want him being our teacher  not realising we're late for his lesson
"Crap" said jesy as she showed us her phone we all sprinted to maths opens the door and all said
"Sorry we're late" he looked at us like he wanted to kill us he pointed at our seats and of course we aren't sat near each other I was the last one he showed to the seat I was sat next to a blonde girl when I realised who it was I felt my heart racing he gave me some paper and told the class we where doing a test

"Hey" said Perrie with a smile on her face
"Hi" I said smiling back
We got on with our work ,then felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to the side of me to see Perrie pointing at a work
"What does this say?"
"Thank you" she smiled
It was the end of class and me and perrie where just sat there talking not realising the bell had rung we looked over to see no one but the teacher left in the class he saw us looking at him and yelled "now get out of my class" we grabbed our bags and rushed out

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