Chapter two-feelings when we saw eacother

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Perrie's POV.

It was the  end of the day and I met my friend Madeleine

Madeleine "hey pee brain you alright? you look like you've had a rough day"

Perrie "yeah I'm okaYyYy

I saw jade walk past me she glanced at me quickly then looked straight back at her friends and carried on walking

Madeleine "Perrie what was that do you know who that is that is jade thirlwall she's the most popu" I cut her off

Perrie " yes I know who she is I sit  next to her in  music" I replied

She nodded and we started walking home Madeleine is one of those tv friends she lives right next door to me and we have been friends since we where kids our mams went to school together and where best mates

As we where walking we heard a voices behind us a voices I was happy to hear

Voices "hey"

Perrie "hey babe" I said To my boyfriend Alex

Jades POV
I saw her looking and her an I couldn't help but glance at her Leigh and jesy saw me and just carried on walking ,her blue ocean eyes are so hard not  to look at
Jade stop your straight and you don't even know the girl I said to my self I carried on walking and court up with Leigh and jes

Leigh Anne walked home, and me and jesy walked to my house

Jesy "hey jade what was that little glance you gave edwards earlier?"

Jade "what do you mean jes I saw her looking at me so I glanced at her"

She nodded like she new something but she doesn't she is just stupid

We got to my house and I open the door me and Jesy both took a deep breath in and both smelled something soo amazingly nice I ran to the kitchen to see my mam baking a cake
My mam is an amazing baker

Jade "agh ma these are lush please make more I beg ma"

Norma "thank Jade"

I led jesy up stairs and we spoke for a few minutes intill my phone started ringing

Leigh❤️ "hey do you guys wanna go out with me and two others one of them is my mate and she's bringing one of hers you up for coming ?"

Jade. "Yeah we will come I'm sure me ma will let us what time should we come up ?"

Leigh❤️ "don't worry about coming up we will come and get you guys in about 15 mins just text your mums reply bye jade"

I hung up the stairs and practically flew down the stairs leaving jesy upstairs worring and laughing

Jade. " mam mam MAAAAAAAAAAA"

Norma "yes jade also no need to yell what's up"

Jade . Leigh Anne asked if me and jesy want to go out. I said yes but I have to ask you first please let us go out ma please"

Norma "yes you can go be back by mid night if everyone is aloud to stay out that late" she replied smiling

I nodded with a massive grin on my face hugged my mum and flew back up stairs seeing jesy sat on the bed crying with laughter

I asked "what's so funny?"
She replied with "you , flying down the stairs yelling at ya mum"

We both laughed then I grabbed my phone and texted Leigh back I got a message a few mins later saying "on way"

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